Notes are depicted as a piece of paper with the top-right corner folded over.
Figure 10 shows the default application keypad displayed as a set of ICONS in the top-right corner.
Next, use t to indicate that you want the next PDF object to be drawn at the top-right corner of the image area.
You just need the end element (a red circle, shown encircled in Figure 18), which you can find at the top-right corner of the event-selector palette.
Press the "ACTION / ON" button one time, and begin Ranging 1, the top-right corner of a simulated laser flashes signs in the loop, said it is launching laser.
按下“ACTION/ON ”执行键1次,即可开始测距1 次,右上角有模拟激光发射的标志在循环闪烁,表示正在发射激光。
By using the date range option on the top right corner, you can select your date range and also easily compare to past dates.
Up front, the glass runs edge to edge and there is an indicator light in the top right corner that alerts you to new emails and a assortment of other things.
To invite others to join, simply give them the short URL in the top right corner of the screen or invite participants directly from email, Twitter, or Facebook.
The same information is shown numerically when you click on the Data tab provided at the top right corner of the graph.
By default, the key is in the top right corner; but if it is interfering with your graph, you can place the key elsewhere — even outside the graph, if you wish.
Access these options by clicking the top right corner of the widget to open the action menu.
Consider a scenario where you need to place an image at the extreme top right corner of a canvas.
Before beginning, ensure that you are developing in the PHP perspective by checking the name in the top right corner of the window.
On your website, don't use flags to link to alternate language versions. Use text links in the top right corner.
Troubleshooting tip: If the toolkit freezes or becomes non-responsive at any point, do not hesitate to shut it down using the "X" in the top right corner of the toolkit.
故障排除技巧:如果工具箱冻结运行或者无法响应,那么要立刻使用工具箱右上角的 “X” 按钮退出。
The small down arrow which you find at the top right corner besides your email identification can be used to toggle between the two accounts.
Go to the TAB header and click the button next to the first author's name to close the reference TAB (do not click the button at the top right corner as this will close the review).
Alternatively, if you want to work with it in a different location, simply undock it by clicking the undock icon in the top right corner of the view.
If you are not in the PHP perspective, click the icon with a plus symbol on the top right corner of the window to change perspectives.
You can do this most easily by clicking the Resource perspective button in the top right corner of the workbench as shown in Figure 8.
You should see the flash-card screen roll down from the top right corner, stay for a bit, then roll back up.
To sync all notebooks, click the new Sync All button near the top right corner of the dialog box.
Clicking on the Data TAB on the top right corner of the graph provides the statistics of each individual of the pie chart.
Now you can test further by navigating to your Facebook profile and searching for the SimpleRestaurantSearch application in the search box in the top right corner (see Figure 35).
Workplace Services Express also contains an on-line status indicator in the top right corner of the user interface, so you can change your on-line status no matter where you are in the portal.
You can do this most easily by clicking on the Resource perspective button in the top right corner of the workbench as shown in Figure 8.
While inside a Local map, you will notice that you can navigate out of the Local map, back to the parent mapping by using the 'Up a level' icon in the top right corner of the mapping area.
您在Localmap中将会发现可以导航到Local map之外,通过使用映射区域右上角的“Upalevel”图标可以回到父级映射。
The very wide image that forms the top right corner of the background is positioned in the top right of the sidebar container.
After the script package is added, click the Done editing link in the top right corner of the page to return to the Patterns page.
The Logging and Tuning settings can be edited in this section as well by clicking on the Set properties icon in the top right corner of the Settings pane.