The space shuttle undertook a top-secret mission with a military payload under Pentagon control.
This was possible because of the Navy's formerly top-secret system of underwater listening devices spanning the oceans.
There was no ridiculous situation on the project because of the high level of human resources and the top-secret level of everything.
After taking an advanced computer course at school, the seven boys, all from Princeton, New Jersey, illegally obtain top-secret information from government computers in Washington.
This is one of the top-secret underground bases in the Soviet Union.
Nikita has recruited Sarah Clarke, the 24 alum fans loved to hate, for a top-secret role, TVLine has learned exclusively.
And building the plane, with its top-secret communications and defenses against attacks, runs in the billions of dollars.
Nor is he trying to protect the top-secret business model of one of the dozens of start-ups he is advising or has financed.
To do this, Livermore relies on powerful machines called supercomputers, which hum away inside top-secret, heavily guarded buildings.
In 2005, the U.S. classified these chicken barns as part of the nation's 'critical infrastructure,' giving them a kind of top-secret status.
A lanky, gregarious man in his twenties, Rakowski is the product manager of a top-secret project that's been under way for more than two years.
(in Listing 6 I did my best impersonation of a top-secret government agent by crossing out my user id with XXXXXXXXXXXX.) Let's parse this request a little more.
Yet the best evidence suggests that it was neither a flying saucer nor a weather balloon, but instead a high-altitude, top-secret military balloon dubbed Project Mogul.
The title refers to a real place, a vast and luxurious urban-renewal project in Chengdu that is being built on the site of a former top-secret munitions factory complex.
'Churchill's bloody work was completed when Hess was brutally murdered by agents of Britain's top-secret MI6, acting in collusion with his American captors, at Spandau Fortress prison.'
At a big meeting of top British businesspeople, he stood up and explained the secret of his success.
Protecting yourself from identity theft is a matter of treating all your personal and financial documents as top secret information.
It is also possible to use the documents to make deductions about the coalition forces' list of enemies, which is still top secret.
For example, TSGA has a special inventory system that tracks defective, blown-up, and top secret equipment.
But maybe if you're working on top secret CIA projects, that could be one cause.
The firm's report, written in German and stamped 'top secret,' was completed in July but hasn't been publicly released.
The firm's report, written in German and stamped 'top secret, ' was completed in July but hasn't been publicly released.
佳利报告于7月份完成,不过尚未公开发表。 报告以德文写成,盖有“最高机密”的章。
One is a 'top secret' letter dated March 1940 from the head of the Soviet secret police, the feared Lavrenty Beria, recommending the execution of Polish prisoners of war.
There was no ridiculous situation on the object because of the high level of human resources and the top secret level of everything.
The Homeland Security Department still has problems handling classified top secret intelligence information, according to a new report from the department’s Office of the Inspector General.
I've even talked with a company whose product development has always been top secret about letting their ideas out and letting customers into their design process.
I've even talked with a company whose product development has always been top secret about letting their ideas out and letting customers into their design process.