Projects which take a top down approach, decompose policy directives into detailed policies and rules.
You do this by embedding, for example, the sideway approach within the top-down approach and in turn, the bottom-up approach.
You could also embed the top-down approach within the second top-down approach and in turn, the bottom-up approach.
In the example of the nested, two-level embedding approach, you can embed the top-down approach within the bottom-up approach (see Figure 4) or the other way around.
Another way of thinking up integration is the top-down approach, where enterprise business processes are defined.
Tools support for the top-down approach has generally been more limited than the support for bottom-up, but that support is improving.
The bottom-up approach is generally considered to be more intuitive and less error-prone than the top-down approach (discussed below).
The approach to use case modeling can be considered a top-down approach for SOA design, where service operations are identified based on where they are needed.
GQM is often perceived as a top-down approach, which suggests the executive role is the place to start.
Deductive reasoning works from the more general to the more specific. Sometimes this is informally called a "top-down" approach.
The first step in the top-down approach to Web service creation is to create our WSDL document.
使用自顶向下方法创建Web服务的第一步就是创建我们的WSDL 文档。
In another response to the question, Michael Poulin says consumer-centric nature of SOA forces the top-down approach.
Denny's team takes a more top-down approach, using function points to build a second estimate.
The top-down approach considers the goal of an application that comprises the enterprise SOA middleware application.
Most likely, you will do some parts of an application with a top-down approach and others with a bottom-up approach.
The top-down approach is business driven: Business documentation exists that can serve as references to identify your SOA services.
自顶向下方法是由业务进行驱动的:存在可作为参考信息来确定SOA 服务的业务文档。
In general, it is preferable to use the bottom-up than the top-down approach because of many benefits coming with the LDM, as mentioned at the beginning of the article.
通常,与自上而下方法相比,人们更倾向于使用自下而上方法,原因是可以利用本文开头所介绍的LD M带来的众多优点。
In a top-down approach, one would start with a service specification (for example, a WSDL file) and then implement the underlying code to match that specification.
The business architecture model and the business process model are both part of the top-down approach.
In a top-down approach, you start with a service specification (for example, a WSDL file) and then implement the underlying code to match that specification.
Part 3 of this series also showed how a legacy application can be surfaced using a top-down approach.
He believes that the two are really the result of different perspectives SOA, the bottom-up approach, which is primarily IT driven, and BPM, the top-down approach, which is business driven.
The top-down approach is more concerned with the architectural process of analyzing business systems and components to identify processes and services.
In a top-down approach, you would start with a service specification (for example, a WSDL file) and then implement the underlying code to match that specification.
As we have pointed out, there are two general ways to build an application, a top-down approach and a bottom-up approach.
A service component provides the service interfaces that are aligned to the business-a top-down approach.
The top-down approach is about decomposing business elements (mainly business processes and use cases) and refining them into a granularity that makes sense for services.
In a top-down approach, you begin with high-level business use cases or business-process flows that exist within your organization.
In a top-down approach, you begin with high-level business use cases or business-process flows that exist within your organization.