It's on the left-hand side of your plan—towards the top—just above the fruit bushes and to the left of the little path.
Try elevating your head by putting blocks under the top of the bed and sleeping on your left side.
For example, a window template could also place the navigation tabs on the left side of the screen instead on the top.
There are IBM recommended links at the top of the page, plus filters on the left side that let you the refine the document list by selecting or deselecting tasks, topics, and document types.
The first message of a sequence diagram always starts at the top and is typically located on the left side of the diagram for readability.
The first was attached to the face motor cortex, which controls facial movement and is on the top left hand side of the brain.
Again, you have a two-dimensional table with one sequence along the top and one along the left side. Again, you can arrive at each cell in one of three ways.
Highlight the commandButton tag on the left side of the editor and click the Up button repeatedly to move it to the top of the list of tags.
There are fewer top level tabs, and depending upon the Theme you choose, the catalogs may be listed vertically down the left side of the screen as in Figure 2.
Select the top-most Faces library definition section on the left side of the library definition editor.
It shouldn't be surprising that users look at webpages in this way, as most computer applications are designed with the top left hand side as the main focus.
The top of the globe is North, its bottom is South, its left side is West, and its right side is East.
I have put the light source in the top-left corner, so the shadows should be visible on the bottom-right side of the rocks.
The chi moves up the right side of the etheric body through all meridians therein, up over the top of the head, and down the left side of the body through all meridians therein in a continuous flow.
Turning to the left side of the camera, remove the screws pictured. Note that the top screw is longer than the bottom one.
第三步,转到相机右侧,拧下图示的两个螺丝。注意上边的(图中右边的)螺丝比下面的长。 作好记号, 等装的时候要一一对应。
In picture 12 the left side is a front view and the right side is a top view.
Neil Robinson Sealy's top snooze analyst said: 'While the margins are small the research certainlyhighlights an interesting trend - could it be possible that the left side of bed is the "right" side?
NeilRobinson 西利顶级睡眠分析师,说:“虽然睡两边的区别不大,研究当然强调了一个有趣的趋势,这可能因为床的左边是“正确”的一面?。
Users can browse the virtual bins in the left-side nav by selecting genres, playlists, top songs, or regularly-updated channels.
The main program window consists of List Window, Status Bar at the bottom, Side Bar at the left, List of available folders, Tool Bar and Main Menu on the top.
Similar procedures in addition to the left side of common classification tree, there is the top classification.
Logitech have sensibly paired down the functionality, and even I managed to quickly catch on that it's left hand side for music, right for Skype, top for volume or to open a browser.
I notice that he is now using a high quality recording microphone! Your can see it in the top left hand side of the video.
Here, we have a triad of different configurations: a side by side 2-cell pack (bottom), and end-to-end 2-cell pack (top left), and a factory-assembled 3-cell pyramid pack.
在这里,我们有不同的配置的三元组:一并排2 -电池组(下部),并结束对终端2 -电池组(左上),以及工厂装配- 3 -细胞金字塔包。
Smooth shape with a gradient from time to time, from top to bottom, left and right side edges have a certain arc.
Place your navigation links together at the top, bottom, left or right side of the page. Use tables to neatly align your links.
As you can see, my toolbar is pinned to the top, the left side, and the right side (I also set a constant height).
Rock crest the top of the left side wall is horizontal to sit 1, if form the gold hooks, looking upwards again a swan was really strange.
Finally the weight center is located on top of the vertical line between the hip and the foot on the left side.
Finally the weight center is located on top of the vertical line between the hip and the foot on the left side.