The power of his work lies in the long-standing consistent topicality of the means he USES and themes he addresses.
Programmes were selected according to the quality of content, box office ratings, topicality, and customer demographics, he said.
At the pragmatic level, linear order of language structure is realization of linear order of information structure and degree of topicality.
After detailed analysis and comparison, we can conclude that sentence-initial noun phrases have advantages in the syntactic position, there is a certain topicality.
The ONS, which is charged with collecting data and providing impartial analysis, said that it made the unprecedented release because of the "topicality of the issue".
The comparison being in progress with research teaching, topicality teaching method, announces problem system teaching method to difference and connection between them.
Modern costumes and film of aerial bombardment underscore the topicality of a play that deals both with Middle Eastern conflict and the struggle to achieve a world beyond faith.
This thesis is the study of the merger and topicality of Mandarin Chinese topic and the topic construction as well as the collocation between homogenous and heterogeneous topics.
篇名与自然语句的差别主要是由于篇名的性质引起的 ,本文从篇名的指称性与话题性、形式标记、强弱程度、篇名的历史和篇名的倾前性等方面论述了篇名的话题性。
This thesis is the study of the merger and topicality of Mandarin Chinese topic and the topic construction as well as the collocation between homogenous and heterogeneous topics.
篇名与自然语句的差别主要是由于篇名的性质引起的 ,本文从篇名的指称性与话题性、形式标记、强弱程度、篇名的历史和篇名的倾前性等方面论述了篇名的话题性。