Some of the most interesting search engines we found are those that focus on a narrow niche and deliver in-depth targeted results on very narrow topics.
In our SOA architect education, we have team exercises to focus on digging into topics collaboratively.
The IEA’s 2010 World Energy Outlook on supply and demand through to 2035, to be released in November, will focus on three particular topics, he said.
Focus on safe topics such as hobbies, common interests and the topic of the conference you're in.
Why Lin wrote in English first and chose those topics concerning Chinese cultures and western cultures is the focus of this thesis.
The ecology of plants covers topics that you might find in a general ecology textbook, but with the focus on the interactions between plants and their environment over a range of scales.
Third, the communal encyclopedias focus too frequently, and in too great a depth, on trivial and popular topics, which created a false impression of what is important and what is not.
The last but not the less, with the concentrated topics, we have more advantages in SEO as a vertical website focus on configuration software.
Students in this major study micro - and macroeconomics with a focus on the consumer. Topics of instruction include consumer behavior, price theory, specialized math, economic forecasting, and more.
I have tried to focus on topics that can be easily understood in terms of their public health relevance and not necessarily the molecular mechanisms of how things work.
In China, such discussions focus on topics like the challenges faced by single-child families, and educating children at Western-style schools versus stricter traditional schools.
Organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior both are focus topics in the field of organizational behavior.
The assignments help students focus on the important aspects of the topics covered in the class. An extensive list of links to related resources is also provided.
Upper body reach posture and trajectories prediction has been one of the focus topics. in the field of Human Factors.
Upper body reach posture and trajectories prediction has been one of the focus topics. in the field of Human Factors.