Luna 16 landed on the lunar surface (in total darkness, no less), collected moon rocks, packed them up, and returned them to Earth.
The grandfather stood and watched her till a cloud flew over the moon and left everything in total darkness.
Viewing for many was marred by heavy clouds and rain, but the drama of the total eclipse - as darkness swept a narrow path across the continent - was unmistakable.
Half were housed in a standard light-dark cycle of 16 hours of light (at 150 lux) followed by eight hours of total darkness.
On the night arranged I turned up about eight, and found the leader sitting alone in almost total darkness in a small back room.
Such sites would have continuous sun for approximately 243 days a year and never have a period of total darkness for more than 24 hours.
Typically, I enter their world by climbing up a rickety, twisting wooden staircase, ducking to avoid bumping my head in the near-total darkness.
And if oil were spilled in the winter, cleanup would take place in the total darkness that engulfs the region during those months.
So Moses stretched out his hand toward the sky, and total darkness covered all Egypt for three days.
Little is known of the Marine animals that live in total darkness in the deepest part of Atlantic.
Another strange thing about bats is the fact that they can fly in total darkness and yet never bump into anything.
Try different light intensities. Snakes are usually happier to feed in subdued lighting or indeed total darkness.
A total solar eclipse has been making its way of crossing the South Pacific with a rare alignment of the sun, moon and earth, plunging a narrow corridor into darkness.
Before scientists discovered the cause of the total eclipse of the sun, people were extremely frightened when darkness fell in the middle of the day.
That night we lived it in total darkness, knowing it was not a normal match, but not aware of how much it was not normal.
The Tritium illuminates the aiming point in total darkness, and the fiber-optic self-adjusts reticle brightness during daylight according to ambient light conditions.
Viewing for many was marred by heavy clouds and rain, but the drama of the total eclipse –as darkness swept a narrow path across the continent –was unmistakable.
'" This is the entryway to the Indian Tunnel, one of the lava tubes, and the only large one that doesn't require visitors to bring a flashlight due to total darkness inside."
I stood in the total darkness waiting for my eyes to adjust while I fumbled for the light switch, it didn't seem to be in the same spot as in my closet.
Seeing is limited by two borders: strong light, which blinds, and total darkness.
The installation of a high performance acoustic partition makes it very easy to switch the hall's layout, and it is possible to plunge the auditorium into total darkness if required.
ABSTRACT: Bottles of Champagne will be filled in total darkness to ensure that the wine is protected from light.
The enchantments they had cast around themselves ought to be sufficient, in the near total darkness, to shield them from the notice of Muggles and normal witches and wizards.
Dust thrown up from a very large crater would lead to total darkness over the whole Earth.
A built-in illuminator allows us-ers to see clearly, even in total darkness. The viewer runs on a single AA battery for up to 60 hours and is water and fog resistant.
Millions of people in Asia will see the longest total solar eclipse this century as swathes of India and China are plunged into darkness.
He said he was lucky the airport had a back-up system of its own generators — otherwise he would have to try to land in total darkness.
She served him a glass of milk, and the little boy nervously ate his cookies in near total darkness-sister Lychen kept her blinds drawn all day long.
She served him a glass of milk, and the little boy nervously ate his cookies in near total darkness-sister Lychen kept her blinds drawn all day long.