Fortunately, we have a number of existing heat sources already in our homes-and by harvesting some of the heat from these unusual places-you can actually lower your total home heating bill.
Absolute zero (- 460 degrees F) is the total absence of heat; all matter becomes inert and incapable of reaction at that temperature.
Here it's different, so now we have You know before, when we had a limited number of total states, remember what happened in the heat capacity at high temperature.
Absolute zero (-460? F) is the total absence of heat; and all matter becomes inert and incapable of reacting at that temperature.
A total of 29 people suffered sunstroke and 7 other people fainted for heat related illness from 8:00 to 16:00 yesterday, according to Chongqing 120 Command center.
In addition, heat build-up limits the number of channels a single DDI chip can cover, creating an obstacle to reducing the total number of DDI per panel.
We're going to need a bigger windmill: a typical hurricane releases some 600 trillion watts of heat energy, equivalent to 200 times the world's total electrical generating capacity.
While other teams — the Heat and Lakers most notably — have been depleted by injuries, the Mavs' top six scorers have missed a total of 24 games.
His total heat output was measured and compared with the calorific content of the food he ate.
In total heat of radiator, convection heat radiation accounts for about 61%, and radiant heat is about 39%.
Fruit contains total quantity of heat is not high, low yield of mostly belongs to medium heat.
In the case of constant pipe diameter, lengthening the length of vacuum tube is an effective way to increase the total heat of solar water heater!
The total heat loss per unit time decreases gradually as the injection pressure, injection flow rate and injection time increase, but the decrease extent reduces gradually.
However, under high temperature combustion conditions, gas radiation is very important in the total heat transfer.
Heat efficiency during hydrate thermal recovery, i. e., hydrate decomposition heat to total heat input ratio, has also been analyzed based on the model.
The results showed that the total heat transfer coefficient of heat exchanger with hot water arranged in shell-side was relatively higher by 33% than that with hot water arranged in tube-side.
Adds the companion not to surpass in the total heat the need.
Calculate the total length of electric heating cables needed according to total heat loss of pipes or tanks and the chosen power per meter.
Achieve continuous balance between produced and consumed steam. This master pressure control approach controls total heat input into boilers, as well as total steam flow into each header.
This study provides necessary supplement for reverse resolution of total heat exchange factor applying experimental data.
The heat flux to slab surface of a walking beam reheating furnace along length of the furnace is computed, and total heat exchange factor is also calculated.
Based on the thermal comfort, the Analyses the relation of the variable water temperature, total heat, sensible heat, latent heat, angle-scale, temperature difference between supply and return water.
For the coastal area where the air humidity is heavy, it is better to adopt total heat reclaiming device than sensible heat reclaiming device.
A new method and its theory used for on-line measurement of surface total heat flow of heat equipment are presented in this paper.
The supply of total heat, the time of beginning and supporting days are same in this two groups.
The main feature of the system is to use total heat of exhaust air to process supplying air.
The shortcoming that the heat energy utilization aspect exists chiefly has total heat to be lost greatly;
The model was made up of inner steam temperature drop equations, the steam pipe laying different ways of unit length heat loss equations, total heat resistance calculation equations.
Analyses the experimental formula of total heat transfer coefficient of fully wetted and completely dry cooling conditions.
The solution now used in China is to allocate a proportion of the total heat based on the floor area of each house unit. This proportion is called area-shared percentage.
目前我国采取的解决办法是将系统总供热量中的一部分按各户建筑面积进行分摊 ,这部分热量占系统总供热量的百分数称为面积分摊百分数。