Only if non-OPEC nations, including Norway, Mexico, and Russia, were to trim output by a total of 500,000 barrels a day.
Approximately two-thirds of the income derived from this total output is paid out to workers as wages and salaries, the remaining third serving as compensation to the owners of the capital goods.
In modern economies about one-third of the total output of consumer goods is attributable to the use of capital goods.
One twentieth of the total output was exported.
We have hope to quadruple the total industrial and agricultural output by the end of the century, which is a lofty aim.
In contrast, emerging economies' total output has jumped by almost 20% over the same period.
There is some evidence that European economies that have taken in many migrant workers have also benefited, not only in total output but also in terms of GDP per head.
The SOHC KA24E was replaced by a new DOHC KA24DE now with 4 valves per cylinder, producing 15 more ponies HP, for a total output of 155 HP (116 kW).
SOHC KA24E型发动机升级成了DOHCKA24DE型,每气缸4气门,输出增加了15马力,达到了155马力(116千瓦)。
The decline of agriculture's contribution to total output value has not seen a simultaneous decline in the number of people dependent on it for livelihood.
Since China has over four times America’s population, it only has to produce a quarter of America’s output per head to exceed America’s total output.
The mild scenario, estimated to cost the world 1.4 million lives, reduces total output by nearly 1 percent or approximately $330 billion (in constant 2006 prices) during the first year.
These contracts will be serviced by 14 solar thermal plants with a total output of 2, 600 megawatts, to be built between now and 2017.
Today, motor vehicles put out 900 million tonnes2 of carbon dioxide a yearabout 15 per cent of our total output.
Cutton output was 4.3 million tons. The total output of meat came to 53.54 million tons and aquatic products to 35.61 million tons.
The total output of grain in 2008 was 528.50 million tons, an increase of 26.90 million tons or up by 5.4 percent over the previous year.
If you're really disorganized and lack motivation, then you can spend time trying to increase your total output.
Most analysts focus on Labour productivity, which is usually calculated by dividing total output by the number of workers, or the number of hours worked.
At the communal level - so the thinking goes - everything is a wash, and we're just changing the distribution of "total output" based on which people were frugal and which were spendthrifts.
Shale now accounts for about 20% of U.S. gas production, but total output is expected to quadruple in coming years.
The largest four firms (which are by no means the most profitable) produce only half the total output, and the next four produce only 16 percent of total output.
This means that the total output of China's economy and overall labor productivity will be significantly enhanced in the future.
The US commerce department said gross domestic product, which measures total output of goods and services, plummeted at an annualised rate of 3.8% in the three months to December.
The amount of HMLS yarn is accounted for 30% of the total output of polyester industrial yarn worldwide.
The total output of meat came to 53.54 million tons and aquatic products to 35.61 million tons.
A high correlation is also found between car sales and private consumption, which in turn accounts for a large part of total output.
We know that the social total output growth has in large part from the demographic dividend and demographic dividend into negative population social total output will decrease.
We know that the social total output growth has in large part from the demographic dividend and demographic dividend into negative population social total output will decrease.