The total activity of the POD and G6PDH increased, the action of PPP promoted in sugar-metabolize method.
随着层积时间的增长,过氧化物酶(POD)和6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶(G6PDH)活性逐渐增大,PPP 在糖代谢途径中的作用越来越大。
The result indicated that the time of incubation was correlated with the SOD total activity, while the incubation rate was not.
The total activity towards whole cellulase was studied with filter paper breaking time and the corresponding activity calculation formula was then defined.
At the end of the activity, we raised 5000 yuan in total, and we donated all the money to a local orphanage.
If you want to be thorough, do this for a week, and calculate the percentage of your total time that you spent on each type of activity.
The SQL Activity Summary Report gives you an overview of the executed statements sorted by total execution time.
In addition to the CPU savings mentioned before, we see less network bandwidth consumption and a higher total disk activity.
What you eat won't likely directly impact the speed of your metabolism -- it's the total number of calories and your level of physical activity that will speed your weight loss.
Because of the nonlinear and noncontinuous activity of Lotus Domino, we normally would expect to get worse total throughput.
Because pv cannot calculate the total number of bytes to expect in the transfer, it shows throughput so far, time elapsed, and a special indicator that reflects activity.
In addition to the CPU savings mentioned before, we see roughly equal network bandwidth consumption, and a slight increase in total disk activity.
The best way to shrink your waist size is to lower your total body fat through healthy eating and regular physical activity.
The activity rate is the ratio between the number of tokens currently assigned and the total number of tokens for an endpoint.
Most of the monitor counters are cumulative, reflecting the total count of a particular activity since the last snapshot monitor reset within your session from which you are issuing your db2 command.
多数监控器的计数器是累计的,反映从您的会话(您从中发布db 2命令)中最后一次快照监控器复位起的具体活动的总数。
First the electroencephalograph shows that while there I a change in the pattern of activity during sleep, there is no evidence that the total amount of activity is any less.
Teens reported screen time and their level of physical activity four times per year or a total of 20 times during the five-year study.
The sun's activity waxes and wanes on an 11-year cycle, and over this cycle the amount of ultraviolet light the sun emits changes a lot more than does the total amount of energy.
Resu lts The subscales of QL-INDEX for "activity", "daily living", " health", "support", "outlook"and total index of the patient group were worse than those of two control group.
Test the gastric acid secretion, PH, total gastric acidity value, total pepsin activity of change after irrigation.
French oil company Total SA says its second-quarter profit jumped 43 percent thanks to rising production and improving refinery activity after a rough 2009.
网易财经7月30日讯 据CNBC网站报道,由于产量的增加和市场环境的改善,法国石油公司道达尔今日对外宣布二季度利润上涨43%,一扫2009年的阴霾。
Conclusions: Total daily activity in patients with COPD is closely related to leg activity which is reduced compared with controls of similar age.
Some cultures however decided to skip all this romantic crap and go from the "total strangers" phase straight to marriage in one messed-up leap of criminal activity: kidnapping the bride.
We raised about 1000 dollars in total at the end of the activity.
Metheds Total SOD (t -sod) in the activity and MDA Content of liver, heart, brain and kidney were determined in the test rabbits.
方法测定不同性别家兔的肝组织匀浆、心肌组织匀浆、脑组织匀浆及肾组织匀浆中的总SOD (T - SOD)活性和MDA含量。
Hypoglycemic experiment in mice showed that: RP had significantly capacity in reduced blood glucose concentration, increased serum SOD activity and decrease serum total cholesterol.
The total NOS activity in serum and ovaries was detected by chromatometry.
The macroscopical logistics means the society produces the total logistics activity again, produces the logistics activity that knows and studying of overall Angle from the society again.
The total phenolics content and POD activity were also lower at earlier storage, but higher at later storage in packing fruits than control.
The total phenolics content and POD activity were also lower at earlier storage, but higher at later storage in packing fruits than control.