About 56 percent of total energy use comes from traditional biomass-mostly firewood.
Of course, if I make the total energy positive, it's not an ellipse, so then it's all over.
So the kinetic energy has increased; the potential energy is the same, so the total energy is up.
So even in the high temperature limit, we don't have them, there's not a maximum total energy.
And therefore, the total energy now is larger than the total energy that I had in my circular orbit.
The total energy doesn't depend on any interaction between this molecule and its neighbor somewhere else.
Personally I think we could reach the target of having renewables provide 20% of total energy consumption.
For ten years, spending on this program increased annually, and annual total energy consumption declined.
In Britain, nuclear power stations provide 19% of our electricity and account for 3.5% of our total energy use.
According to the report, in Sub-Saharan Africa, 56 percent of total energy use comes from traditional biomass.
In other words, the same proportion of the total energy will be lost for a power-hungry plasma TV as for a tiny PDA.
More than 6% of Colorado's total energy output is from alternative resources, the eighth best rating in the country.
We have defined potential energy 0 to be zero at infinity, and that is why all bound orbits have negative total energy.
Converting only 2.5 percent of that radiation into electricity would match the nation's total energy consumption in 2006.
Depending on a plant's design, the new membranes could reduce total energy consumption by as much as 20%, reckons Dr Hoek.
I mean we can, we can sort of understand why OK, the total energy, if we measure it, we measure a process which is not reversible.
If the total energy when you leave the Earth with that velocity 0 if the total energy is larger than zero, you do better than that.
So far, renewables account for a small share of its energy supply, although the overall target is a 15% share of total energy by 2020.
If the total energy were positive, then for this to be positive, a That's physical nonsense, of course, so this only holds for bound orbits.
如果总能量为正,这也是正的,要是负的。,a, has,to, be, negative。,这都是物理的废话,也只是用于,规则轨道。
US studies have found the total energy required for bottled water production was as much as 2, 000 times the energy cost of producing tap water.
And so what's going to happen — I'm going to get an elliptical orbit like so, whereby 2a must be larger than 2r because my total energy is larger.
The good news: The International energy Association believes that renewable energy will grow from 8% of total energy use in 2009 to 13% in 2035.
It ranks seventh for total energy used, however this is largely the result of the state's relatively low population density, the third lowest in the country.
Doing the math, you'll find that the total energy consumption of the five PCs and 200 thin clients is much, much less than the energy used by 200 regular PCs.
Well, all we would have to do is 0 make the total energy of the Earth zero, so it can cruise all the way to infinity 0 and have zero speed when it gets there.
And thanks to Professor Hess, I can now say that the total energy delta H In other words, delta H formation of sodium chloride should be independent of paths.
So by looking at the energy considerations, you can find the connection between total energy, escape velocity, and make the whole picture internally consistent.
We will keep a reasonable control on the total energy consumption, increase efficiency, and bring down the excessive growth on high energy intensity industries.
We will keep a reasonable control on the total energy consumption, increase efficiency, and bring down the excessive growth on high energy intensity industries.