This keeps your total metabolism in optimum conditions, you don't feel sick all the time because you didn't eat and you still stay on the road to health.
Your total metabolism or metabolic rate is a combination of your BMR and other variable metabolic processes like eating, exercise and other daily movement.
What you eat won't likely directly impact the speed of your metabolism -- it's the total number of calories and your level of physical activity that will speed your weight loss.
Choosing the right drinks can tweak your metabolism, curb your appetite, and reduce your total calorie count.
Part two: Effects of supplementating different levels of cysteamine on nutrient digestion and metabolism were investigated by total feces and urine collection method.
Objective to study the effects of different types of fat emulsions on fatty acids metabolism in newborn infants who experienced total parenteral nutrition (TPN).
Objective To investigate effects caused by total exchange transfusion on blood gas, electrolyte, and biochemistry metabolism in the neonate with septemia or hyperbilirubinemia.
According to energy metabolism results, the total amount of caloric intake lower than that of energy consumption, especially in female students.
The insulin infusion led to total elimination of several pro-inflammatory factors and to a significant reduction in generation of reactive oxygen species and the products of fat metabolism.
In other words, it is a way to build your total health and fitness through both the proper conditioning of your metabolism for aerobic and, when appropriate, anaerobic training.
The results showed: Total triterpenes of Lagerstroemia specious L have the effects to promote glucose metabolism and fat content control.
Metabolism is the total (bio) chemical changes in living organisms and metabolic activities are the basic features of living systems.
Metabolism is the total (bio) chemical changes in living organisms and metabolic activities are the basic features of living systems.