How it Creates a Touchable image?
All these are touchable luxuries.
Shadows are touchable water weeds.
Might we have no fortune but take a wrong stop raise a touchable dark mythical legend.
If you are using a touch screen on your device, controls should be large enough to be touchable by fingers.
The system contains touchable, programmable controller and weighing instrument, realizing automatic distributed control.
Then I will extend my experience to define it: visible, touchable, sensable, researchable, observable things are materials.
The iron Chinese characters on the surface of the bridges transform the nonmaterial culture to some real, visible, and touchable materials.
We hope the relationship between speaking and figuring, imagination and language can be a relationship between understandable and touchable.
Using proface touchable interface display operation, operator can control temperature, airflow volume, air pressure, pump speed and de-blocker frequency.
The reliability and EMC of improvement of the holder have been tested to be no influence, but the electric safety may be no compliance for live part touchable.
The meaning of resources in here is rather wide as well. It not only includes materials, such as money, body, minerals and forests that are visible and touchable.
Touchable objects should be large enough to be manipulated with a finger, high contrast, colorful, and well separated on the screen to avoid accidental selection.
Currently available vernier depth gauges are simple in measuring function, especially in measuring precisely the no touchable directly depth of the measuring datum plane.
ALC can be connected; revolution, speed and pressure can be adjusted by touchable screen and PLC program as required. Can be driven by ac frequency conversion electric machine.
I wish to explore multi-dimensional space by the sculpture which is visual space and touchable art image so that it can break through the form of the photographic vision and static state.
Microsoft also updated its ie Test Drive site, as of this week, to be "touch-friendly," and added some new multi-touchable demos like Particle Acceleration, Lasso Birds, and touch Effects.
微软还更新了其ie的测试驱动网站,截至本周,“touch - friendly”网站,增加了一些新的多触摸演示像粒子加速,套索鸟,和触摸效果。
It is his conclusion of commercial spirits in my opinion, and he must realize the invisible but touchable strong power, and it is the very power that can reflect the fair aspect of society.
Touchable panels are one of the most basic user interaction devices for embedded devices — keypads, sensors, and roller wheels also are included in many different devices for various purposes.
This paper introduces rebuilding electric control system of portal crane drived by DC and the application of digital DC speed controller, PLC and touchable industrial graphic monitoring system.
This paper introduces rebuilding electric control system of portal crane drived by DC and the application of digital DC speed controller, PLC and touchable industrial graphic monitoring system.