We believe that the longer we tough it out, the tougher we are, and therefore the more successful we will be.
Ask for help, don't abdicate responsibility or tough it out yourself: I learned this lesson very early on in my project management career.
But some studies suggest that children in mildly unhappy, low-conflict, first-marriage families are better off if the parents tough it out till the kids are grown.
I truly believe that a sign of real strength is not to "tough it out" and pretend that the condition does not exist, but to be up front about it and get the help I need.
The western-style clothing shirt's sleeve length should grow 1.5 centimeters compared to the western-style clothing sleeves, the shirt collar must certainly tough it out smoothly.
While it may seem tough to meet like-minded people sometimes, remember that there are ultimately 6.8 billion people out there in the world.
I'm not scarred by missing out on all the fun, and I might even be able to play it appropriately safe in 2010 for what promises to be a very, very tough year to read.
She seemed like falling into memory and answered me in a trance: “that’s not the reason…I didn’t mean to take it out…I have brushed it clean at that time and it was really a tough job.”
她好像陷入了回忆,有些恍惚地说,那倒也不是……我没想到把它给翻出来了……当时 我把它刷了,很难刷净……
Rather, it is being driven by the EU's tough environmental targets to cut carbon dioxide emissions, which could otherwise see Ferrari's supercars squeezed out of the market.
当然,欧盟为了达到越来越严苛的环保目标,要求大幅度削减二氧化碳排放量,不但F1受到了影响,法拉利的超级跑车市场也被进一步挤压。 法拉利认为混合动力的599型跑车的售价将是以汽油为燃料的559 GTB Fiorano跑车售价的两倍,达到41.4万英镑,而前者正是在后者的基础上开发出来的。
Selling that technology to customers, however, might be a tough call — it the driver look like he or she came straight out of a Star Wars movie.
They explained to God that it was tough and exhausting and their feet were worn out from always running from cats and dogs and people.
Part of the appeal of emergent design is the realization that we cannot reliably predict what is going to be tough, but we should keep a wary eye out for it.
If it turns out that he has dwarfism, who better to teach him to be tough than someone who has been through it herself?
Tough as it was to leave behind the showers, we had to move on - but, as it turned out, to even more comfort.
These are guys that have been tough, the strong person all their life, and now they've found an environment where they can let it all out, and be themselves.
Some officials, like Mr. Francis, say it is a symptom of summer recess, a tough economy that has left many teenagers out of work and a general sense of anxiety and malaise.
Some readers took offense, pointing out that it can be tough to act upbeat if you've been out of work for a long time and are having trouble paying bills.
But what I found was that it was actually very tough. I started to kind of flip out to some degree.
Sweeping statements about the size and growth of the Internet are tough to swallow. So I'll break down the McKinsey report and pull out some wonderfully illustrative graphs to help it go down.
The decision to pull out of the Federation Cup was tough, but it was the right decision.
With so many plants animal and other living things covering the planet it can be tough to figure out what type of grass is growing by the roadside or what kind of bird just flew by.
It can be tough to break out of your poker face, especially if you're just naturally not that expressive - but it's worth trying, since it can improve how you're perceived.
I was desperately trying to pick out the Brits but it was tough, there were at least a thousand dancers between me and them.
Make it too tough for the enemy to get in, and you won't be able to get out.
Conflicting statements about the health risk of BPA makes it tough for parents to figure out whether to worry.
Thee grass from the earth drill out, tender and green, it covered every corner of the campus, it can be seen everywhere the green life, how tough it is!
小草从泥土里钻了出来,嫩嫩的,绿绿的,它爬满了校园的每一个角落,到处可见它那绿色的生命,它是多么地顽强! !
Thee grass from the earth drill out, tender and green, it covered every corner of the campus, it can be seen everywhere the green life, how tough it is!
小草从泥土里钻了出来,嫩嫩的,绿绿的,它爬满了校园的每一个角落,到处可见它那绿色的生命,它是多么地顽强! !