Though I am trying my best, I am not able to equal to the tough task.
That's a tough task for 20 tonnes of steel, however impressively shaped.
It will be a tough task for that developer to find all of the items for checkin.
Only does an extremely impatient person keep insisting on finishing the tough task.
Vujacic's greatest challenge remains staying ready, a tough task for any rhythm shooter.
Mike: That sounds like a tough task! Have you decided how you're going to decorate your room?
It was a tough task because the FBI men were untrained and some had never fired a gun in anger.
HYMAN: it is and it's a tough task, and we're surprised that the market has actually done this well.
How to effectively manage and organize these web images for online-users' retrieving is a tough task.
It is a project of systems engineering and also a long - term tough task to solve urban traffic issues.
Online comparisons, ratings and other unbiased information have made the tough task of selling tougher still.
This is a tough task for developers, because they will have to write thousands lines of code to validate user input.
It is definitely a tough task with bunches of tools, each of which only meets part of your specific requirements.
THE economic recovery might have been sprightlier last year than once expected, but sustaining it in 2011 will be a tough task.
Add Messi to that group, and you can see what a tough task awaits Arsenal, which has exhibited defensive frailties this season.
As summer draws to a close, many parents are facing the tough task of outfitting a college-bound teen for dorm life for the first time.
Persuading the world to eat less meat looks like a tough task. In country after country, as people become wealthier they eat more meat.
This is a tough task for developers, who may have plenty of back-end and front-end development experience but limited knowledge of design.
Trying to be a mother and a champion Olympian simultaneously is a tough task, but the Beijing Games has its fair share of mums juggling their duties.
However, the Italian is facing a tough task with China's national team, ranked 84 in the world, because it has gained only one point after four qualifiers.
Months later, I received the final letter from Ministry of Labour to tell me that the tough task of collecting payment was authorized to a collection agency.
The Czech midfielder and 2003 Ballon d'Or winner has surprisingly pledged to remain with Juventus and help them to promotion, but realises it'll be a tough task.
The result indicates that there exists a big gap between Chinese universities and the top world universities. It is a tough task to build top world universities in China.
But analysts said Dubai's reputation as a business haven remained in question and the emirate still faced a tough task to reschedule the remaining bn of Dubai World's debts.
One of the tough task that airborne bistatic radar faced is the extensive existing non-stationary of bistatic clutter which will degrades the performance of STAP remarkably.
Jamie Carragher believes normal service has been resumed in Liverpool's defensive ranks - but warned the Reds will face a tough task in keeping Arsenal at bay on Wednesday evening.
Recently, landing a decent job is a difficult ordeal for graduating students to fulfill, one rendered all the more daunting by the equally tough task of saying goodbye to the ones they love.
A priority for regulators is to find ways of tracking down criminals across borders and ensuring they are punished, a tough task when criminals can use proxy servers to remain anonymous.
In today "s world, the ecological crisis has increasingly become the focus of attention, and how to protect the ecological environment has become the common humanity faces a tough task."
In today "s world, the ecological crisis has increasingly become the focus of attention, and how to protect the ecological environment has become the common humanity faces a tough task."