Toward evening, I started sneezing.
Toward evening, he stood a man waving out the window, mouth seems to mutter prayers.
Toward evening the sun goes behind the clouds and the sky turns purple and is full of birds.
Toward evening he saw it again. But this time there was fear in its face. He stopped and watched.
Toward evening I would return to a more formal section of the park, set out as a garden, just off the main road.
He had the camels kneel down near the well outside the town; it was toward evening, the time the women go out to draw water.
Toward evening, when Dorothy was tired with her long walk and began to wonder where she should pass the night, she came to a house rather larger than the rest.
Toward the end of the evening, I commented that women frequently complain that their husbands don't talk to them.
Several men wash their hands and faces with water from teakettles and kneel toward Mecca for evening prayers.
One evening in Cape May, New Jersey, his school-age granddaughter ran toward him on the way to dinner saying that she had discovered some poop for him.
有一天晚上,他们在新泽西五月角。 他正回家吃晚饭,他正上学的孙女跑向他,说她给他找了一些好东西。
Toward nine o'clock in the evening the two women retired and betook themselves to their chambers on the first floor, leaving him alone until morning on the ground floor.
After a recent Monday-evening class, five-year-old Zang Siqi rushes toward her mother, eager to show off a white rocket she has made out of paper, a Snow White sticker in its nose cone.
With the advent of the evening, the temperature has gradually reduced, so there is no midday heat, but the early morning breeze turned into a Unit, "heat" rushing toward us.
Coming down sixth Avenue this evening, Hurstwood chanced to cross east through Twenty-sixth Street toward Third Avenue.
What about sports? During afternoon and early evening, your coordination is at its peak, and you're able to react the quickest to an outside stimulus-like a baseball speeding toward you at home plate.
In the short story That Evening Sun, William Faulkner discloses the white mans indifferences toward black peoples sufferings by using various narrative techniques.
The market will be listening out for Mervyn King's comments in a speech this evening to see if he points toward more quantitative easing from the Bank of England.
Must turn an evening party makeup, never be able to the plain surface then is evening dress and stiff frivoling you to go together with a decoration toward the sky.
Toward the end of the evening I commented that women frequently complain that their husbands don't talk to them. This man quickly concurred.
It occurred to me that he had been very slowly bending toward her all evening to attain this proximity, and even while I watched I saw him stoop one ultimate degree and kiss at her cheek.
It occurred to me that he had been very slowly bending toward her all evening to attain this proximity, and even while I watched I saw him stoop one ultimate degree and kiss at her cheek.