The jade Lindian town center elementary school built in 1969.
After 25 years the town center has changed beyond recognition.
The Weifang hotel (7) the Weifang hotel is situated at the Weifang town center.
Often we just walk around the town center, seeing as many of our friends as we can.
Water Dao Town center elementary school located at water Dao Town east Namwon Muping two sites.
Defining the town center of Râmnicu Vâlcea is a towering shopping mall that looks like a giant glass igloo.
It is these boreholes in the town center that reveal a unique truth about Somalia's farmers and the famine itself.
The weekly peace vigils that Kosch joined had begun eight years earlier at the Nikolai Church in the medieval town center.
It is impossible to give any details of the plan for rebuilding the town center. At this stage it is only in the air.
Blackie and her advisor, Philip J. Cozzolino, recruited 90 people in a British town center and asked separated them into three groups.
布莱基和她的导师菲利普j .科佐利诺在英国某小镇中心招收了90名志愿者,并将他们分成三组。
Great piles of it appeared outside my Town Center where it was easily harvested and I was able to go on an immediate building spree.
The pipeline means the brewery can stay in its current location within the town center, where it has been brewing for the past 500 years.
有了啤酒管道,意味着Halve Maan啤酒厂可以继续在市中心的现址酿制啤酒,正如过去500年来一样。
Enlarge the middle part for experience space and to twist the form to face the town center. In the meanwhile, to generate a bionic shape.
According to the Chongqing town center and arrives the railroad, the water transportation, the aviation port in 30-50 minute vehicle regulation.
What it lacks in human beings it makes up for in charm, with a town center still laid out in its medieval form with boutique shops and restaurants.
The newest research involves 98 ages in 5 to 18 year-old obese child, they majority of are come from the town center mid and low earning the black family.
The cops are going to want to scan all the footage from CCTV or surveillance cameras not just outside the store, but in the whole town center where the event took place.
The farm supports 10000 food, and it can be built in Stone Age, require cost 100 wood, and farmer don't need back to town center and granary, just put food in farm.
This new downtown district, premised on a traditional town center design, will be connected throughout with pedestrian - and bike-friendly paths, which will also serve neighboring areas.
You can either ransom him back to your town center (literally paying the other player some gold), or you can rescue him by killing all the nearby enemies and allowing him to heal back up.
At present, the city's AIDS epidemic growing rapidly in some areas has reached its peak incidence of death, to form a town center to the surrounding towns spreading popular trend overall.
Louis had to take a taxi to the city garage far from the center of town.
Then comes the spring, with the explosiveness of longer days and songbirds returning to the willows along the Clark Fork River, which flows through the center of town, east to west.
Around this fort a town gradually developed, which became the center of a small but important state of great strategic value.
Situated on Hill Street, near the center of town, the modest two-story frame house attracted little attention during the years when the family called it home.
When one of these traveling theater projects reaches a town, the participants ring their bells fiercely in the center of town until locals come out and feed them.
On June 22, 2006, the first China-South Africa Business Cooperation Forum was held in Cape Town international convention center.
On June 22, 2006, the first China-South Africa Business Cooperation Forum was held in Cape Town international convention center.