One leading expert on toxic shock syndrome argues that you're at lower risk if you use an all-cotton tampon.
一个研究中毒性休克综合征 的前沿专家认为,用全棉的卫生棉条会减低你患中毒性休克综合征的风险。
Objective in order to isolate and purify an exotoxin of Streptococcus mitis which can cause toxic shock syndrome and investigate its pathogenicity.
Toxic Shock-like Syndrome due to infections with streptococci (TSLS) is a serious condition still associated with a mortality rate of 30% despite proper treatment.
中毒性休克样综合征由于感染链球菌(TSLS)是一种严重的状况仍与死亡率为30 %,尽管适当的治疗。
If I leave in a tampon too long, am I at risk for toxic shock syndrome?
Chan said most people associate toxic shock syndrome with tampons used by menstruating women but it can affect men and children, too.
Sinus infections may be a primary factor in about 20 percent of toxic shock syndrome cases in children, a new study has found.
Sinus infections may be a primary factor in about 20 percent of toxic shock syndrome cases in children, a new study has found.