It just happened to sit atop 21,000 tons of toxic industrial waste that had been buried underground in the 1940s and '50s by a local company.
China Daily reports that more than 5, 000 tons of highly toxic industrial waste were dumped illegally in rural areas in Yunnan province, causing livestock deaths and soil and water pollution.
The accident occurred Monday when the retaining walls of a reservoir at an aluminum plant in Ajka in western Hungary collapsed, unleashing a toxic soup of industrial waste through seven villages.
‘Green’ fur is also a marketing ploy: the animals come from commercial farms that generate industrial amounts of animal waste and offal; their fur is processed using polluting toxic chemicals.
Soon after his arrest, the lake was choked by toxic algae fed by the phosphates from the human and industrial waste that had been poured into the water and its tributaries.
FOR decades, toxic substances were discarded carelessly in industrial dump sites, hidden waste lagoons and even ordinary garbage dumps across America.
Toxic running tracks, made of recycled industrial waste, are suspected of causing students to develop coughs, headaches and even nosebleeds.
At the same time, human and industrial toxic waste materials are also drained into the sea in company with the river flows, which has serious effects on the estuarine coastal ecological environment.
Phenol with higher toxic and recalcitrant to degradation is widely present in industrial waste water.
Phenol with higher toxic and recalcitrant to degradation is widely present in industrial waste water.