This year, the city will increase the area of AIDS patients, HIV-infected people to track management.
Have been found in AIDS patients, HIV-infected persons will be implemented to track management, treatment and minimize lost.
Through the example, the improvement process of the software test method and the defect track management, as well as the tools used are discussed.
The third level is supporting technology level, involving product design facing reverse logistics, product track management, production plan and schedule of remanufacturing.
An important aspect of establishing the system of test management is to realize Software test Automation, so it is necessary to use the defect track management tool in the course of test.
For multiple targets in clutter, there is a complex connection among the tracks from multiple sensors. It is track management in fusion center with multiple sensors that becomes a key problem.
Regardless, upper management wants to track resources and costs for the requirements and evaluate the work done, just like any other task.
The final step is to formalize your findings into a risk management plan with established metrics, and track the top risks on your workspace week by week.
The term change management (CM) refers to the processes and tools an organization or project uses to plan, execute, and track changes to a software system.
Whether seen from a management, analytical, algorithmic, or user perspective, the ability to track social usage presents many opportunities for new kinds of software applications.
In test-process management, you can also use the application to track the progress of the test project for the team.
Quality assurance tools and change and asset management tools are also needed to verify code development and track application modifications, respectively, throughout the project lifecycle.
Managers successfully use a variety of systems to track delegated tasks, including daily planners, personal digital assistants, or project management software programs.
A senior management team can find itself a long way down the track to a bad decision without realising that the idea has very little support around the table.
Project management requires a way to effectively plan, track, and manage all aspects of GDD project and resource portfolios.
Customer relationship management (CRM) consists of the processes a company USES to track and organize its contacts with its current and prospective customers.
For example, predesigned dashboards and data cubes help staff track surgical outcomes and analyze benchmarks for practice management and clinical performance.
For example, use configuration management tools to keep track of versions of code, allowing you to track changes and keep metrics.
Many of these will be for IT professionals, since the heart of a smartgrid is intelligent digital data management to keep track of electricityflowing on the network.
很多工作机会将属于IT工程师们 – 基本智能电网的核心是电子智能数据管理以监管电力在网络中的顺畅。
In these organizations, automation, process control, change management, and team coordination are necessities to keep development on track.
Mickey Mouse might seem like a goofy consultant for the health care industry. But the management teams behind the theme parks have a good track record at satisfying customers.
Improved return on investment on IT infrastructure investments because management can track and enforce use of new infrastructure.
ScrumWorks pro is an Agile Project Management tool that help track team (s) progress through individual iterations and whole releases.
Although I decided not to rely on Eclipse's own resource management to track changes to the project, I did look into it.
IBM has launched a new product called Returnable container Management, which USES the Internet of Things to track and measure the usage of shipping containers.
IBM已经推出了一款叫做可回收集装箱管理(Returnable Container Management)的新产品,该软件采用物联网(InternetofThings)技术跟踪和衡量运输集装箱的使用情况。
This case study evaluated the feasibility of using ClearQuest test management to track the function verification test progress at the release, solution, or line item level.
IT projects (modeled as ALMProject in ClearQuest) to track the changes to applications from project or program management perspectives.
At any time during the development lifecycle, quality management should be able to answer the question: "Are we still on track?"
At any time during the development lifecycle, quality management should be able to answer the question: "Are we still on track?"