The tracking protection will be an opt-in feature for users to identify and block certain forms of website tracking.
Tracking Protection aims to bring transparency to the data some sites and advertisers use to track you as you journey across the web.
Once enabled, the tracking protection would exist for all Web pages the user visits and would take effect each time they start a new browsing session.
Tracking protection works by allowing users to create lists of sites that are protected from being tracked by other sites via cookies and other means.
The new feature, called Tracking Protection, would rely on lists that users create that indicate which sites they do not want to share information with.
According to the protective speed curves, the tracking measuring function of infrared laser position transducer is applied for back-up protection of travel speed.
This make sure that the entire process of finding and tracking become more accurately and smoothly, that provides reliable protection for fast close to the target.
This make sure that the entire process of finding and tracking become more accurately and smoothly, that provides reliable protection for fast close to the target.