It is the trade-off model between complexity for the provider and flexibility for the customer.
A method is proposed to solve time-cost trade-off model for activity networks by using the minimum cost flow principle.
To further improve control performance, zone trajectory method was proposed and a parameter was provided to trade off the response performance and model accuracy.
This paper puts forward a multi factor analysis model which is similar to the trade off model of capital structure after classifying the factors affecting capital structure.
The analytic model of business process assignment optimization is presented to undertake the trade-off among resource, time, cost constraints and decision nodes in multi-project environment.
The model has boon successfully implemented on a real world multipurpose reservoir and the trade-off between flood control and power energy is obtained.
Based on a basic principal-agency model, the article Analyses the trade-off between pay for performance and promotion based incentive contract, and also points out the topics for future research.
Theories which can explain the asymmetric alliance include Autonomy Security Trade off Model, Patron Client State Relations, alliance Dependence theory and so on.
Theories which can explain the asymmetric alliance include Autonomy Security Trade off Model, Patron Client State Relations, alliance Dependence theory and so on.