Though finding out the civil responsibility of act of manipulation security trade price has its particularity.
Cheng Bingfang's case of controlling securities trade price, who was the former senior management of Yian Group.
The "trade price", at which one dealer sells to another, is always at least 10 per cent less than the marked figure.
However, the enterprise's value, which calculated by enterprise's value assessment method, is not the real trade price.
Basic Mode is to show the details about bid, ask, bid qty, ask qty, also trade price, trade volume and total trade volume.
Such derivatives would be traded on exchanges or alternative swap execution facilities, which would improve pre - and post-trade price transparency.
It poses uncountable damage to investors, harming their interests, disturbing order of security market and striking regular market trade price system badly.
The paper discusses the consequence, irrationality and illegality of "self-discipline trade price", and analyzes the origin of the matter in thought mode and economical system.
If investors were trading securities based on the chances of those things happening only to Alice, they would all trade at more or less the same price.
Not all is gloom. Despite a rise in the yen, Japan’s terms of trade have been helped by sharp falls in the price of energy, almost all of which Japan imports.
If one part of a system decides to make a trade based on the current price and the actual trade gets delayed for whatever reason even a small change can result in a significant loss of money.
Nevertheless, the oil price rise has increased inflationary pressures and trade deficits in some of the developed countries, as well as exacerbating tensions over the level of gasoline taxes.
Moreover, shares of companies listed both there and in Hong Kong now trade at the same price level, on average. For the past four years Shanghai's typically fetched a noticeable premium.
In contrast, when the dollar was sharply devalued in early 1933, domestic price indices rose rapidly and yet the trade surplus did not increase.
The only option for Mr Gaidar and his team was to abolish price regulation and allow free trade.
The index is based on the idea of purchasing-power parity (PPP), which says currencies should trade at the rate that makes the price of goods the same in each country.
That trade is still going today, and Lowe's relative price has finally begun moving closer to Home Depot.
The commodities desk was responsible for a large loss on a trade on the price of coal during the second quarter.
The country's terms of trade (the price of its exports divided by its imports) have leapt by 30% over the past three years to their highest level for over 50 years (see left-hand chart).
And then there are the deleterious effects America's price-distorting payments have on foreign farmers and so on trade negotiations.
These would form a proto-currency that would trade at a discount to the remaining euros in circulation-a shadow price of the devaluation to come.
Under the gold standard, countries used price and wage deflation as a means of adjusting to trade deficits.
Shares in an outcome that is considered more likely to occur then trade at a higher price than those that represent a less likely outcome.
The transaction, the largest single cocoa trade in 14 years, has sent the price of cocoa beans to the highest level since 1977.
The bank reckons that the value of world trade (which is also affected by price and exchange-rate fluctuations) fell slightly in November.
Before you enter a trade, decide your stop loss price, a price where you must sell when the trade turns sour.
Before you enter a trade, decide your stop loss price, a price where you must sell when the trade turns sour.