The second study** looks at traditional fund managers, those who run mutual funds and stockmarket portfolios on behalf of pension funds.
Investors would not dream of paying a performance fee to traditional fund managers merely for matching the market return, yet they cheerfully reward private-equity managers for the same feat.
Fund managers are increasingly bypassing the widely distributed wares of traditional research providers, turning to specialist firms instead.
Investors know that the traditional solution to Greece's present problems would be an International Monetary Fund rescue programme.
Unlike a traditional venture fund, no one is making their living off the management fees - in fact - these fees often go into the basic expenses for administrating the "fund."
A big challenge for the industry is to create a fully active ETF that is able to move in and out of individual stocks, like a traditional mutual fund, while being tradable, like a stock.
This method makes up the flaw of traditional methods of risk management. It makes risk management of stock fund more scientific and effective.
Compared with traditional insurance industry, modern insurance includes not only economic compensation function, but also the fund circulation function and social risk management function.
Due to accurate estimates of Participant rate, to perfect the traditional actuarial model, improve the accuracy of estimated operating fund.
Then, the relevant theories of fund performance evaluation are presented, including traditional evaluation methods and modern system taking risk into account.
With the huge advantages of low cost and high efficiency, Electronic Fund Transfer is taking the place of the traditional payment measures and being widely used.
Reserving for segregated fund insurance contracts are difference from traditional actuarial method.
So, it is very important to choose the right decision to reduce the cost. However, traditional models do not take some factors into consideration, such as fund, discount and prepay proportion, etc.
The traditional financial fund pays into the Treasury and appropriates the way, is through levies the institution and the budget unit set up the multiple account dispersers to carry on.
This dissertation proceeds both behavioral finance and traditional finance, especially the former to understand the "closed-end fund puzzle"from the Chinese experience.
In the period traditional rural cooperative medical care program was implemented, self-fund was the main model for financing.
In the period traditional rural cooperative medical care program was implemented, self-fund was the main model for financing.