As one of the three themes of traditional knowledge system, the protection of folklore art expression has attracted much focus by the society at home and abroad.
The disadvantage of the traditional formal languages is that they are used by people who possess a solid mathematical knowledge, but they are difficult to use for a modeling system.
Comparing to traditional rule-based system, it has many advantages, which can predigest knowledge gathering and accumulate knowledge easily.
Traditional paper management system can't provide users with the comprehensive and efficient keyword query because of the users knowledge limitation.
It breaks through the traditional teaching mode system, and giving much information to the class for knowledge communication.
Traditional intelligent model base system depends on transcendental knowledge, and it is difficult to authentically implement intelligentization.
Based on the traditional expert system, the integrated module of neural network ensembles is applied in this model in order to insure the automatic acquisition of knowledge and reasoning.
Based on comparing some methods for traditional knowledge representation, this paper introduces the application of object-oriented knowledge representation in a fault diagnosis system.
There are bad information of knowledge and experience among processing information of forecasting and decision-making activities in traditional policing administration system.
The Chinese traditional mediation system is a kind of "local knowledge" which rooted in Chinese traditional society.
This article pays a large attention to the reasons why we should use the modern intellectual property system to protect traditional knowledge currently, and analyses the modes that could be chosen.
The city's transportation system is so challenging that would-be cab drivers must pass a test demonstrating that they possess " The Knowledge" in order to drive traditional black cabs.
In the system designing process, we also study basic knowledge and implementation technique of traditional messaging middleware.
The new outlook on knowledge provides basis for the traditional knowledge to have legal position in the new curriculum system.
Then some evaluation indexes are put forward in terms of both of the traditional searching technology ranking system and the knowledge map's own traits.
Traditional speech recognition system has an intrinsic defect that, commonly only use the acoustic model of speech and unable to use non-acoustic knowledge of language to recognize speech.
Today's office automation system is not a traditional office automation system using a simple data-processing center to document, but a new system for knowledge management.
In fault diagnosis, traditional expert diagnostic system cannot acquire test data rapidly, and fault location only depends on knowledge and experience, so speed of fault location is very low.
KBE system for traditional CAD system proposed solutions to the existing problems, such as the design principles embodied, knowledge-based resources reusing. It can provide optimized design as well.
The traditional Eastern system emphasises building a solid foundation, and then build up the BASIC knowledge step by step.
Traditional knowledge management tools and system often only focus on one special aspect, so it's difficult to integrate them into a whole knowledge solution.
In the end, we made a comparison between the knowledge blog system and the traditional knowledge management and a anticipation on the development trend of knowledge blog.
The traditional components of an expert system, such us knowledge base, inference engine and user interface are reconstructed and integrated, based on the Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) library.
Chinese Confucianism, most extensive knowledge and profound scholarship ideological system in the traditional culture, has dominated governance learn among China feudal society.
It is justified to introduce traditional knowledge into intellectual property system because of profound relation between traditional knowledge and intellectual property.
However, there is still quite a gap between the current status of our traditional education system and the pre requisitions of the knowledge economy.
Result: Traditional concept, legal system and lack of the knowledge of donating cadaver affect the civil will most.
Compared to the traditional hierarchical system, the network production is more dependent on technology and knowledge, more emphasis on cooperation and communication, and more flat structure.
The paper first introduces the research background and gives a brief overview of the related knowledge of Mobile Internet and the traditional Identity Management system.
The paper first introduces the research background and gives a brief overview of the related knowledge of Mobile Internet and the traditional Identity Management system.