"Adaptive signals can make sure that the traffic demand that is there is being addressed," says Alex Stevanovic, a researcher at Florida Atlantic University.
Methodology of traffic demand forecast is the key aspect of Olympic transport study.
Urban passenger traffic demand corridors are major arteries of urban passenger traffic.
The traffic demand analysis and forecast is one of the key technology of traffic management planning.
Optimal BGP route selection on traffic demand is one of the problems in interdomain traffic engineering.
At last, urban railway transport demand is forecasted and planed according as the remainder traffic demand.
Road pricing, an effective means of managing traffic demand, has been advocating in many countries and regions.
Urban traffic congestion pricing is an economic means of traffic demand management and traffic congestion moderation.
The dramatic increase of air traffic flow induces the severe contradiction between the airport capacity and air traffic demand.
Traffic Demand Management (TDM) is a strategy which can solve urban traffic problem radically, that will be of practical meaning.
This traffic demand forecast model is established based on regression analysis, time value model and gravity distribution theory.
Through the analysis of trip decision investigation of public traffic in WenLing city, the paper obtains the public traffic demand.
Nowadays toll roads are quite popular in our country and the road pricing is a very important factor which affects the traffic demand.
For this reason, based on the deep analysis of traffic demand, a fuzzy theory based multi-strategy fuzzy control algorithm is proposed.
Congestion pricing, an effective measure of modern urban traffic demand management, plays an important role in the theory and practice.
Design idea of prediction system of telephone traffic demand in mobile communication networks has also been systematically put forward.
When the traffic demand to a certain extent, the traffic bottleneck will form a long queue of vehicles, leading to a small scope congestion.
In high urbanization area, the boundary line of highway and city road approach fuzzy, urbanization brings notable increase of traffic demand.
The level of service in public walking Spaces is mainly determined by the differences in pedestrian traffic demand and infrastructure supply.
The positive feedback effect between the traffic demand and the traffic supply makes the road net plan hard to suit the future traffic demand.
Collecting fee on congested road, an effective measure of modern urban traffic demand management, plays an important role in theory and practice.
In practice, changing network conditions such as inter-AS traffic demand variation, link failures and inter-AS routing changes occur dynamically.
When the traffic demand is too high that ramp metering is not effective anymore, the variable speed limit control is needed to relieve the congestion.
The traffic demand management (TDM) has been recognized and put into practice, and proved to the indispensable effective solution to the present traffic.
It is proved that putting the traffic demand management and the road supply ability expansion in the equal position, is the basic way to solve the problem.
On the basis of randomness analysis of traffic demand and supply and the reliability analysis of network, the concept of unblocked reliability was presented.
Entropy maximization approach has been widely used in transportation planning. It provides theoretical basis for a class of forecast models on traffic demand.
The rapid increase of the amount of motor vehicles brings on the rapid increase of traffic demand in cities which the city road networks always can 't satisfy.
The rapid increase of the amount of motor vehicles brings on the rapid increase of traffic demand in cities which the city road networks always can 't satisfy.