A bicycle lane would encourage them to use bicycles to commute, and so would reduce rush-hour traffic rather than fostering an increase.
The traffic signals along Factoria Boulevard in Bellevue, Washington, generally don't flash the same length of green twice in a row, especially at rush hour.
You can turn back any time you want, and you can go any day of the week at any time, since you won’t have to compete with rush hour (or even weekday) traffic.
You'll probably also avoid rush-hour traffic, making it less likely that you'll waste time because you're late.
In some places, a small toll at rush hour and a few buses will be enough to keep traffic running smoothly indefinitely.
The research could lead to panels that can charge a cell phone from a conversation or provide a boost of energy to the nation's electrical grid generated by the noise during rush hour traffic.
I get woken up by bin lorries, the rush-hour traffic and my neighbours Shouting, instead of birdsong and the wind in the trees.
In a net-mobile, a motorist could tap into a regional road system but also to map out a route around rush-hour traffic snags.
There is one striking fact about rush-hour traffic - vehicles on the commuter routes tend to be occupied by just one person, even though motoring costs are continually rising.
They weave through rush-hour traffic, mount pavements and roar down the labyrinthine alleys known as soi.
For road rage, it could be as simple as laughing over the craziness of rush-hour traffic.
As Tom fought his way through the rush-hour traffic, he kept coming back to the only thing that was certain: It was a hell of a time to be out of work.
You get the idea. His day does not go well, and he hits rush-hour traffic on the way home.
The road is everywhere motorcycles, electric sanya and a car and in turn will lead to traffic jams, especially in rush hour.
Plenty of drivers complain about rush hour traffic, but some have more to gripe about than others.
The traffic on the 405 Freeway at rush hour, however, is an indication that you're probably not the first to realize the advantages of doing business in Los Angeles.
A car thief who ran out of petro in rush hour traffic was arrested after police helped him pushed the stolen vehicle to the side of the road.
MIAMI - A husband helped his wife deliver the couples baby after they got stuck in rush hour traffic and then got lost on the way to the hospital.
If you have to know what's going on, try watching the news in the morning, when the shot of adrenaline it may trigger will help you do battle with rush hour traffic.
Field tests and user reports show efficiency of this algorithm by 30% increase of average traffic capability, 10% increase of rush hour traffic capability and 40% decrease of average queue length.
Nor could a jet pack be of use to ordinary people who wanted to avoid rush-hour traffic, Wilson says.
What may have seemed like an okay distance to travel for a job interview may begin to wear thin when you have to make that trip twice a day, five days a week, in rush hour traffic.
And some of the biggest causes of stress (like rush hour traffic) just can't be avoided.
The light had just turned green, and there was a line of lunch rush hour traffic behind me .
Pretty soon, you'll actually start looking forward to traffic jams and rush hour because it will give you a chance to catch up on your favorite music!
Pretty soon, you'll actually start looking forward to traffic jams and rush hour because it will give you a chance to catch up on your favorite music!