Our simulated result shows that depending on the network traffic throughput, the system provides the best and most stable quality of service.
During the throughput testing, the 8500e interpreted a massive amount of data sent by the Ixia over six ports as a DoS attack, and immediately blocked all traffic.
It provides advanced monitoring and reporting on traffic and throughput.
Airport surface traffic management system can ensure the security of the traffic of the airport, improve the efficiency of the airport and throughput of airport, have very important function.
Analysis shows HBVC is superior to CRAM in many aspects, such as expandability, network delay, maximum system throughput, support to traffic engineering, compatibility and implementation complexity.
This scheme effectively reduces packets delay and packets drop because of the real-time traffic, meanwhile, enhances throughput of real-time traffic satisfied with different channel load.
This paper first analyzes the forward link of 1xev-do and new traffic speciality, then pays more attention to the study of the radio resource allocation and the average throughput?
本文首先分析了1xev - DO前向业务信道的链路特性和今后将面临的新业务特性,然后着重对1xev - DO的无线资源分配和平均业务流量作了研究。
The optimized allocation scheme aims to achieve maximized weighted-throughput with the help of a traffic predictor and a dynamic optimization algorithm.
The optimized allocation scheme aims to achieve maximized weighted-throughput with the help of a traffic predictor and a dynamic optimization algorithm.