Say that you have a partitioned database, which means it is part of a database that contains its own data, indexes, configuration files, and transaction logs.
All schemas in the same database share the same data dictionary and transaction logs.
For example, the log buffer writes each transaction to logs and how different log mode can be used to accomplished different modes of backup and recovery.
With merged backups, if a recovery is needed on Friday, you can restore everything from Thursday's merged backup along with the transaction logs.
Full backup — Backs up the full database, including all file groups and transaction logs.
Data will not be considered committed until a primary and a secondary both report success and the transaction logs are written to disk.
If you choose to finish a transaction manually on an application server, it is recorded as having completed in the transaction service logs for that server.
During the restore operation, transaction logs are necessary to bring the database to a consistent state.
However, during a long running transaction, a log full situation may occur, where all the primary logs are active.
In all cases, careful placement of the logs on the federated server will minimize F2PC impact and increase transaction throughput.
Note: The database manager writes to transaction logs one at a time.
The SPM maintains its own logs of transactions, and it is these logs that are used during various XA transaction manager activities, typically resynchronization.
SPM 会维护它自己的事务日志,而在进行不同的XA事务管理器活动(通常是指再同步)时,就会用到这些日志。
DB2 provides a mechanism to automatically schedule backups and to keep transaction logs that can be used to restore to the exact point of the crash.
DB 2提供了一种自动调度备份任务的机制,还可以保存事务日志,可以使用事务日志将数据库恢复到发生崩溃的时间点。
Create the file system for the DB2 data and transaction logs at the primary site, and then change the owner to the DB2 instance owner, as shown in Listing 6.
在主站点创建DB 2数据以及事务日志的文件系统,并将所有者改为此DB 2实例的所有者,如清单6所示。
A database partition consists of its own data, indexes, configuration files, and transaction logs.
It is highly recommended that you archive any transaction logs so that changes that occurred after the last backup can be replayed for the most complete restoration of data.
Surprisingly, one of the best performance results came from having the transaction logs held in RAM (see the yellow line in figure 5).
A snapshot of the run data needs to include both the database data and the transaction logs.
System logs the payment transaction and provides customer with a confirmation number.
This technique yields more concurrent access to storage for persisting transaction information, and faster access to that data from the logs.
It works by retrieving the data row information that the reader transaction needs from the DB2 logs-usually from the log's memory cache, which is very fast.
它采用的方法是从DB 2日志(常常是从非常快速的日志内存缓存)中获取读者事务需要的数据行。
Typically, it's recommended that you use a set of dedicated disks for DB2 transaction logs and use another set of dedicated disks for DB2 table Spaces.
通常,建议对DB2事务日志适用一组专用磁盘,而对DB 2表空间使用另一组专用磁盘。
If possible, it's even better if you are able to use different disk controllers for DB2 transaction logs and DB2 table Spaces.
如果可能,最好对DB2事务日志和DB 2表空间使用不同的磁盘控制器。
The files used to log the transactions are called the transaction logs.
The database replication products do nothing to synchronize your WebSphere transaction logs and will leave you with a disaster data center with inconsistent state.
A capture process monitors the transaction logs for all changes to the replication source tables, placing any changes made to these tables into staging tables.
The run data consists of the WebSphere transaction logs; some of the files are associated with the process server databases and some of the files are associated with any other resource managers.
DBPath identifies the location where the database metadata and transaction logs associated with the database are to be physically stored.
The portion of the database that consists of its own data, indexes, configuration files and transaction logs is referred to as a database partition.
将由自身数据、索引、配置文件和事务日志构成的一部分数据库称作一个 数据库分区(database partition)。
Hdisk9 stores the transaction logs associated with a DB2 database.
hdisk9存储与DB 2数据库相关的事务日志。