Choose transfer of property right of knowledge such as trade mark, patent or target licensing it prudently, and control its quality of producing and selling the products.
Water right system is mainly composed of property right system, water use right system and water right transfer system.
To transfer (property or a right) to the ownership of another, especially by an act of the owner rather than by inheritance.
All documents concerning the obtaining, modification and transfer of the building property right.
Article 22 Where a partner is to transfer his share of property in accordance with the law, the other partners shall have the preemptive right of purchase under the same conditions.
At present, the export account receivable and the transfer revenue of expected intellectual property right can be taken in the major assets to issue securities.
The Purchaser shall not sub-sell the Property or transfer the benefit of this Agreement, whether by way of a direct or indirect reservation, right of first re.
Farmers' land property income means relevant compensations for expropriation of land or proceeds from transfer of land use right.
The "small property" is essentially the problem of collective construction land use right transfer the question of whether to legalize.
Franchise management is a kind of modern form of commerce. Its essence is the transfer of knowledge property right of incorporeal assets such as the patent, trademark and special technology.
The problem concerns that whether the land-use right obtained by the means of free transfer belongs to the bankruptcy property.
The contractor has no right to dispose of the joint venture's property, such as transfer, selling off, removing, mortgaging, leasing or giving out as a present.
Although clearly prescribed in the draft of Law of property, the transfer of right to the use of house site is not fit for the development of the country and the exertion of the propertys value.
The transfer of managerial authority of touring resources must be handled with clear property right, scientific layout, reasonable price-making, and standard manipulation.
Article 23 the creation or transfer of the property right of the movables shall become valid as of the time of their delivery, unless otherwise provided for by law.
Party a owns only the right to use, not to transfer, sell any form of violation of Party B and other intellectual property rights.
It is necessary to point out that the concerning legislation on the system of the transfer of mortgaged real property in our civil law is not integrated; the same is the newly adopted real Right law.
According to the Law of Mineral Resources, the paper makes some suggestions about property right transfer, conditions of contract etc.
Article 24 Before registration, the creation, alteration, transfer or extinction of the property right of the vessels, aircraft, motor vehicles, etc. shall not be used against a bona fide third party.
Article 6 the creation, alteration, transfer or extinction of the property right of the immovables shall be registered in accordance with the provisions of law.
Article 6 the creation, alteration, transfer or extinction of the property right of the immovables shall be registered in accordance with the provisions of law.