According to the economic and financial characteristics in the transitional period of China, the paper establishes a partial equilibrium model of Banks portfolio behaviors.
Policy of China imposes many barriers and restrictions on the transaction of state-owned assets except that certain industries have a transitional period acknowledge in the frame of WTO contact.
After the transitional period of the entrance to WTO, the tourism industry in China will confront with intense global competition, and should be prepared for the international challenges.
Thus, in order to know and master the total unemployment rate of China, the key is to know the scale of urban and rural surplus labors in transitional period in these years.
During the transitional period, the high incidence of various emergencies in China poses threat to public security, challenging the contingency management.
Now the gas market is being in the transitional stage from the beginning period to the developing period in China.
With the entry into the Information Age, cultural configurations in China have become complicated in this transitional period.
At present, the structure of teachers of middle and primary schools in middle countryside in China is in important transitional period.
At present, Wushu industry in China is at a transitional period and its foundation is weak.
At present, Wushu industry in China is at a transitional period and its foundation is weak.