Translation norms are the core of Toury's translation theories.
This paper shows the operation of translation norms based on the English version of Lun Yu by Ku Hung-Ming.
The author tries to take a thorough and objective analysis of translation norms based on a concrete translation case.
As for professional norms, they illustrate the controlling and guiding functions of translation norms in the translation process.
The present research of translation norms in western countries almost remains stagnant, which is directly influenced by some disputes within the academic world.
While another Israel scholar, Gideon Toury advocates three translation norms, initial norms, preliminary norms and operational norms, to confirm the function of norms in translation.
For the successful access of the translation to the target culture, the translator has to make choices between two languages, texts and cultures in which way the translation norms are revealed.
Under the framework of Polysystem, translation phenomena are located in a larger cultural context, and descriptive translation studies are advocated with the important concept of translation norms.
The notable multiplicity and romantic tendency in choosing sources of translation is the outcome of the effect of translational norms and the translator's subjectivity.
The focus of translation studies should be on the socio-literary norms that govern the target culture and directly influence the process of translation.
These features have demonstrated the "simplification" and "normalization" norms of translation.
As for the translation of the culture-free language, translators should adhere to the norms of the target language.
Norms are an important concept in Toury's Descriptive Translation Studies Theories.
While operational norms, including matricial norms and textual-linguistic norms, can be regarded as the micro ones affecting the translation of the source text.
In Chapter One, the author gives a brief literature review of the concept and features of norms, as well as its relationship to DTS (descriptive translation studies) and other related concepts.
Norms underlying social and cultural establishment regulate the practice of translation as an agency since acceptability remains the primary concern of most translators.
It maintains that concerted efforts must be made to observe the rules and norms regarding the translation of proper names and enhance public standar...
The selection of the unit of translation is subjected to the influence of many factors, among which the meaning of the source text and the target language norms are the most important.
The process of literary translation is analyzed briefly in Chapter 1 after the general introduction of some traditional norms of translation.
The process of literary translation is analyzed briefly in Chapter 1 after the general introduction of some traditional norms of translation.