Optic fiber is now the preferred transmission medium for long-haul trunks.
As the transmission medium contains easy winding or bunching of the fiber material.
Anyone can broadcast electromagnetic waves and no one really owns the transmission medium.
When hope in a wide temperature range of use, transmission medium viscosity index should be higher.
Ultrasonic coupling agent; Acoustic transmission medium; Health requirements; Biological evaluation.
According to the transmission medium needs screw device can provide heating or cooling the structure.
To improve the consequent system performance degradation, system transmission medium DSF can be used.
The telephone line is the most useful transmission medium in the remote detecting and controlling system.
BWS also relies on the multiple access technique to divide the common transmission medium among multiple users.
The transmission medium of municipal buried gas pipeline has the character of flammability, explosion and toxicity.
The transmission medium for a digital channel can be opticalcable, digital microwave link and satellite circuit, etc.
When the chical process pump transmission medium, the tperature and pressure is not high, the general choice of non-metallic gasket;
Because all the devices are in this case connected to a common transmission medium, it is inevitable that collisions occur often in 10base5.
The experiment was carried on by using the compound pressure transmission medium, dynamic compensating pressure and non-permanent power heating.
As the main part and transmission medium of AD, the impediment of cross-cultural transmission is mainly embodied in the difference between nations.
Pathogeny, transmission medium and prevalence rule of malaria in Haiyan county were understand through analyzing malaria surveillance data from 1988 to 2005.
通过对海盐县1988 ~ 2005年疟疾监测资料的分析,了解本地区疟疾的病原、传播媒介和流行规律。
Distributed intelligent door monitoring system realize remote control and data collection by RS-485 bus, the telephone network is used as transmission medium.
文章介绍的分布式智能门禁监控系统采用RS- 4 85总线技术,以程控电话网为媒介来进行远程的数据采集和设备控制。
When the viscosity of the liquid delivery higher, or when the system work in a cold environment, we must ensure that the transmission medium can flow smoothly.
However, the traditional FSO technologies use infrared light as a transmission medium. In specific environment, it is susceptible to interference to normal work.
Theory of chaotic signal transmission in optical fiber and physical mechanism of chaotic signal acting on optical fiber transmission medium are theoretically studied.
This technique eliminates the tube in conventional mechanical lifting, takes hollow rod as the transmission medium and oil flow channel and discharges fluid during down stroke.
Specially the INTERNET net popularization, it changed the tradition transmission medium transfer mode, moreover is extremely inexpensive interactive international correspondence media.
At node design aspect, this pa-per analyzed how to select communication elements and transmission medium in hardware design and discussed control strategy realization in software design.
Oil contains many elements of wax, they very easily at low temperatures, crystal, transmission medium of condensation point should be lower than the expected minimum operating temperature.
In addition, the media must be delivered with the system of sealed, gaskets, rubber hoses and other materials have compatible, if the two incompatible, then you must re-transmission medium.
Seals can be polymer materials, asbestos or rubber seal material selection depends on the valve components of the transmission medium, operating temperature, working pressure and flow rate.
The sensor system USES the optical fiber as the transmission medium of bioluminescent bacteria signal, separating the sensor and the optical detecting system, which is convenient for field use.
Generally forced convection circulation heating device taking gas as heat transmission medium requires high temperature uniformity. So it is very important for selection of fans and control method.
The contracts will permit raised production rates of new ground stations for very high bandwidth and medium bandwidth transmission, and upgrade an overseas site for handling Syracuse traffic.
Through the medium of television image, color, light, sound, music etc. transmission symbols to create a virtual human world.