All transport transshipment charges will be included in the C.I.F. price.
Engheta and Vakil's interest in graphene, however, is due to its capability to transport and guide EM waves in addition to electrical charges and the fact that its conductivity can be easily altered.
But punitive charges will work only if the displaced drivers can switch to a decent public transport system. Often they cannot.
The main charges against Nguyen Viet Tien, a former deputy transport minister, who was the highest-level official to be arrested over the scandal, have been dropped.
Is it acceptable that the beneficiary should bear charges related to a circumstance of the transport that caused more than one set of transport documents to be issued?
The buyer must pay, where applicable, the cost of customs formalities as well as all duties, taxes and other charges payable upon import of the goods and for their subsequent transport.
The buyer is responsible for the costs and charges incurred in the sale and transport of the goods.
Xiamen Airlines reserves the right to modify these Conditions of carriage, transport regulations of carriage, tariffs and charges without prior notice.
We will also accept a transport document issued by a Courier or expedited delivery service evidencing that Courier charges fire for the account of a party other than the consignee.
Freighters may not pay the maritime freightage and relevant charges directly to overseas transport enterprises in international trade.
The company provides reasonable service charges, punctual and efficient transport services, high - quality document processing and logistics services.
All transport transshipment charges will be included in the C. I. F. price.
If you purchased in the Music piano, and within a year can substitute other piano, you need only to fill the post and transport fares, without depreciation charges.
Microelectronics features studying and controlling the charges and transport properties of electrons, and is the basis of modern information technology.
Space charges is often created by trapping or preventing their movement due to various traps, as a result trap properties decide the store and transport of the charge.
Space charges is often created by trapping or preventing their movement due to various traps, as a result trap properties decide the store and transport of the charge.