Chinese literature is one of the major parts of China's ancient traditions, and Chinese poetry is just like the best prize in this famous culture's literary treasure house.
Years later he would say to his friends, "Open your own treasure house and enjoy your treasures".
In its west, there are the Yongquan Cave and Shizi Cave in an underground stone-carved treasure house.
"Snow White" by the readers, reading it, I benefited from, like "Snow White" in literature treasure house.
The world is a treasure house where the unique cultural achievement created by people of all countries are displayed.
Ancient Chinese prenatal training theory is a shining "pearl" in the treasure house of Chinese health education.
The world is a treasure house where the unique cultural achievements created by people of all countries are displayed.
There are three keys to open the treasure house of human wisdom, which are respectively math, literature and note.
Since the massive homogeneous news has been the treasure house of language materials in studying synonymous texts.
He thought the general laws of mathematical research, the treasure house of human thought the special contribution.
It is such a common rectangular blackboard, but it is the golden key to the door of the treasure house of knowledge.
The accompanying text rarely misses a chance to put the Holy See's slant on history, but this is still a bibliophile's treasure house.
Innate thinking is man's real mind and divine consciousness, which is linked up with the intelligence treasure house of the cosmos.
Many beautiful Tang poems are still on everyone's lips in China today and turn to be gems in the treasure house of world literature.
The plot narrative model and new changes in Tang dynasty fiction show that Chinese Buddhist Scripture is a real big treasure house of literature.
During the thirty years of modern Chinese literature, there have emerged numerous historic novels, which contributed to the treasure house of modern literature.
Anyone who has explored the world of archives will know that it is a treasure house, one that is full of surprises, crossing paths, dead ends, painful reminders and unanswered questions.
Sheng Jing took our country ancient times in the capital city plan construction history the last model, also has enormously enriched the Chinese capital city plan history treasure house.
The Andes Mountains, "the backbone of South America, " extends from North to South, and the mighty Amazon has nourished a treasure house of minerals, fossil fuel, forests and biological resources.
The virgin forest with its richness and variety of trees was a veritable real treasure-house which extended from Maine all the way down to Georgia.
The virgin forest with its richness and variety of trees was a veritable real treasure-house which extended from Maine all the way down to Georgia
He took it up and disclosed a shapely little treasure-house whose bottom and sides were of shingles.
He took it up and disclosed a shapely little treasure-house whose bottom and sides were of shingles.