The paper introduces the succeed experience of soft and liquefaction foundation treated by CFG pile and crushed stone pile by means of vibration pile sinking technology.
By using a complete engineering example, this paper gives the data of static load test and the data of settlement observation of treated single pile and single pile complex foundation respectively.
Generated mechanism on intensity of deep mixing pile of calcium lime, validity and applied terms of reinforcing soft soil foundation are treated of.
In the end, the author gives a conclusion after comparing compacted cement treated soil pile with deep mixing pile.
Based on pile-to-pile interaction factors, the transfer matrix method is used to establish the dynamic model of partially embedded pile groups, while the pile is treated as dynamic Winkler beam.
At last the law of reciprocity of the pile and soil of the soft soil ground treated by pile-raft structure are obtained, which validates and enriches current theory of the CFG pile composite ground.
最后得出了CFG桩筏结构处理软土地基的桩土相互作用的相关规律,验证并丰富了当前CF G桩复合地基理论。
At last the law of reciprocity of the pile and soil of the soft soil ground treated by pile-raft structure are obtained, which validates and enriches current theory of the CFG pile composite ground.
最后得出了CFG桩筏结构处理软土地基的桩土相互作用的相关规律,验证并丰富了当前CF G桩复合地基理论。