Two weeks after the massacre, there were reports of increased demand for psychiatric help both for hospitalization and outpatient treatment.
I had two doses of this - delivered directly into my vein, but after each treatment my calcium levels started to rise again within weeks.
Patients who hae immunodeficiency hae infections that usually do not go away without using antibiotics and often recur within one or two weeks after antibiotic treatment is completed.
The researchers graded the wrinkles, roughness and overall severity of skin aging before treatment with the lotions and at two, four, eight, 16 and 24 weeks after the start of treatment.
Results:Within two weeks after the start of the first course radiation treatment on nasopharyngeal cancer, edema of different levels appeared on tumor-affected parts through CT- scanning.
Methods CYFRA21 1 and NSE in serum sample of 162 patients with PLC were analysed by ELISA in two weeks before and after treatment of operation, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
方法分别在手术,放疗或化疗前后2周内采集PLC病人血清标本162份。采用酶联免疫分析方法检测标本血清中CYFRA21 1和nse的表达情况。
Results Two weeks after treatment, gingival index(GI) of nano silver tourmaline composite group was decreased significantly( P <0.01), but the periodontal pocket depth didn't have any change.
结果使用纳米银-托玛琳复合材料的受试者牙龈指数显著降低(P <0 .0 1 ) ,但对牙周袋的改善无效果。
Results Two weeks after treatment, gingival index(GI) of nano silver tourmaline composite group was decreased significantly( P <0.01), but the periodontal pocket depth didn't have any change.
结果使用纳米银-托玛琳复合材料的受试者牙龈指数显著降低(P <0 .0 1 ) ,但对牙周袋的改善无效果。