The MRC team would like to see further trials done in younger people, to find out whether it is possible to spot those who may be at risk of an earlier death.
The world's first human trials of a swine flu vaccine have begun in Australia, drug company officials said today, as the global death toll from the virus rose to 700.
Since then, studies and trials have clearly demonstrated that starting art earlier reduces rates of death and disease.
After a series of trials they have been found to be more effective at preventing some forms of sudden cardiac death than drug treatments are.
In all, 42 trials met the inclusion criteria of a follow-up period of at least 24 weeks, the use of a randomized control group, and the availability of outcome data on mi and cardiovascular death.
When all trials were considered, antioxidant supplements had no effect on the risk of death.
There are no trials investigating the effects of epinephrine to try to revive babies who appear to be stillborn or close to death at birth.
In both cases, the pullback reflects a lack of persuasive evidence from rigorous clinical trials that meeting the specific goals significantly reduced the risk of death, heart attacks and strokes.
Tamoxifen had little effect on recurrence or death in women who were classified in these trials as having ER-poor disease, and did not significantly modify the effects of polychemotherapy.
在这个实验中三苯氧胺对ER - poor患者复发和死亡没有效果,不能显著改变综合化学疗法的疗效。
He has developed a unique insight into and love for jade, an understanding of jade, virtue and human nature, borne of the trials of life and death he faced.
He has developed a unique insight into and love for jade, an understanding of jade, virtue and human nature, borne of the trials of life and death he faced.