In the future, scientists could use drugs to 'turn on' genes, which could trigger hair growth.
The trap does not close every time a trigger hair is touched, because a lot of energy would be used up this way.
This is how the trap knows to snap8 on a moving insect and not on a raindrop which only touches a trigger hair once.
A hair-trigger situation has been created which could lead to an outbreak of war at any time.
Investors fall into a special category as news consumers; they tend to operate on a hair trigger so they can profit from breaking news before other investors act and wipe out their advantage.
With unexplained hair loss, there’s not one trigger for every person and there’s not one treatment for every person.
India and Pakistan have only a hair-trigger three minute alert window once they get warnings of enemy attack.
When he enrolled at Seneca Middle School, he was the kid with the hair-trigger temper: always angry, ready to clobber anybody who looked at him the wrong way, muscular, built like a wrestler.
Professor Pragna Patel, of the university's Institute for Genetic Medicine, said certain genes appeared to have been 'turned on', which may trigger the excessive hair growth.
They tend to operate on a hair trigger so they can profit from breaking news before other investors act and wipe out their advantage.
Of life's most soft and warm memories, from the foot of the soil in the hair-trigger.
You have to understand it's easy to make mistakes if you have a hair-trigger response.
The background music used to circularly sowed the hair mode, special sound effect to use to trigger to broadcast the mode.
Membrane keyboard: the keyboard using membrane switch technology, hair-trigger, free to users.
For some, the gel or cream they apply on their hair is known to trigger acne.
Eating large amounts of sugary, refined carbohydrates, such as biscuits and cakes, may trigger excess hair.
The continued reliance of the U. S. and Russia on thousands of nuclear weapons on hair - trigger alert only adds to the perceived need for nuclear arsenals in India and Pakistan.
Cameron's unscripted comments described the dangers of today's "uncertain world", as if the hair-trigger from nuclear Armageddon that characterised cold war stability was somehow a blessing.
Cameron's unscripted comments described the dangers of today's "uncertain world", as if the hair-trigger from nuclear Armageddon that characterised cold war stability was somehow a blessing.