The trip point is different, is a time period may be extended indefinitely expedition is slash adventure, is to catch up to as sank a ship frigate animal like a walnut shell.
Our trip takes Midway as a starting point.
The baggage required for the trip is a function of the starting point, mode of travel, expected duration of the journey, and of various conditions and expected activities at the destination.
On the other hand, for a point to point leisure trip, I would probably do the booking myself and wouldn't bother with a travel agent.
Before I turn to the trip planner, though, I'll stick with the book example just a little longer to help you understand an important point.
在讨论trip -planner应用程序之前,我还想谈谈图书的例子,以帮助您理解一个要点。
At some point in your life, whether it is after college or when you retire, everyone should take some extended trip outside of their own country.
Latency is the amount of time (usually measured in milliseconds) that a packet of data takes to get from one point to another and then back in a round trip.
At that point, maybe you'd figure that it would make sense to postpone your trip a few months to give the market a chance to recover and recoup your losses.
The point is that the traveler prepares the documents (passport) before the travel and carries them on the trip.
Note to self: before next trip to beautiful but windy Start Point in South Devon, get hair cut very short, or buy hat that ties firmly under chin.
2011 is merely a new entry in our ancient custom of chronological bookkeeping, an arbitrary starting point for our annual trip around the sun.
Whether you have a full week or a few hours, Plnnr can craft a (free!) customized point-to-point trip guide for 20 popular urban destinations across North America and Europe.
I'd had enough. We had an out-of-town trip planned, and if the plow-which was sure to show up any minute now-couldn't reach the point where our car was parked, we'd have to bag it.
Back to this starting point — if we call this sort of a starting point, - starting altitude — this whole trip will take twice the amount of time.
At some point in your life, whether it is after college or when you retire, everyone should take an extended trip outside of their own country.
For Milton then, at least at that point in his career, his literary career, such a trip without a guide may well have seemed unthinkable.
Studies show that more consumer buying decisions are being made at the point of purchase and that the time spent during each shopping trip is decreasing.
Today, the RMBT has left Beijing to Henan, the start point is perfect, wish them enjoy this trip to China, and we would have more opportunities of communication and cooperation in the future.
If can stand in the space, the round trip looks like when road's my some turning point, two heart multi-pains, the result is very accidental, the sad person are many.
Our trip takes midway as a starting point .
Expedition Everest Challenge Highest Point Platform Karaoke Film, Please Watch Them on The Trip Were Found in The Many Beautiful Scenery, And Share Their Excitement And Happiness.
TCP transmission experimental results also point out that the extra round trip time caused by OBS layer has great influence on the available TCP bandwidth.
TCP transmission experimental results also point out that the extra round trip time caused by OBS layer has great influence on the available TCP bandwidth.