It is actually a triple-star system about 500 light-years away.
The triple-star system is known as HD 188753.
That's roughly 82 times the average distance from the Earth to the sun - and, according to the astronomers behind the discovery, the widest orbit ever seen for a planet in a triple-star system.
这一距离大约是地日平均距离的82倍,并且,发现该行星的天文学家称,HD 131399ab星球的绕行轨道在三星星系中是最宽的。
That's roughly 82 times the average distance from the Earth to the sun - and, according to the astronomers behind the discovery, the widest orbit ever seen for a planet in a triple-star system.
这一距离大约是地日平均距离的82倍,并且,发现该行星的天文学家称,HD 131399ab星球的绕行轨道在三星星系中是最宽的。