True leaders understand the value of action, of course, but it isn't their only tool.
When every dream can come true, kids don't learn the value of anything because they have everything.
The deciding factor will be the true value of the technologies that we created.
But if we see a true value and purpose to it, as a minimalist, the price is worth it, because being a minimalist is not always going for the cheapest option.
This theory, which essentially states that the price of a traded asset, such as a share, fully reflects its true value, has been discredited by the market turmoil of the last two years.
The true value of our offerings does not lie solely in the tools being installed and set up.
While the impact upon the development team is important, the true value of iterative and incremental development lies in the potential to dramatically improve business results.
The true value of a civilization is reflected in its artistic creations rather than in its scientific accomplishments.
In this case, I need a true value; the simplest way I can make this happen is by adding the code in code Sample 4.
Thus, we can make a case for Design's true value, and petition our ruling rational thought processes to loosen their grip: to allow us to stop and smell the truth of beauty, and the beauty in truth.
In a world of unpredictable currencies, riven by fears of massive inflation and with enormous doubts about the true value of many other financial instruments, gold becomes an attractive option.
While this may be true in some cases, however mostly, the team velocity gives little indication on the true value delivered.
The true value in the RPMS is the ability to discover important patterns or an alarming reading in the medical device message as it flows through the system.
The true value for Facebook is getting users to adopt Facebook Connect and extend their profiles to these external sites.
The true value of Whittle's work may be that it connects one more human sense—hearing—to the wonders of the cosmos.
Again, maybe for traditional media companies who can't respond to adding true value in the marketing ecosystem, but it's not true in our business.
As a result, the testing is more focused on the conformance to the design rather than on the true value that is delivered.
Most of the offers are likely to cluster around the true value of the resource, so the highest bidder probably paid too much.
In other words, when you look at the market today, three quarters of its true value is based on what companies will earn and pay out after 2020 and half is based on what they will do after 2034.
In refusing to run to catch trains, I have felt the true value of elegance and aesthetics in behavior, a sense of being in control of my time, my schedule, and my life.
Smart marketing executives know how to develop unique product-positioning strategies that highlight a product’s true value.
Nobody can know the true value of any currency unless that currency floats freely and there are no restrictions on capital flows.
The information derived from market prices becomes corrupted, and the result is a growing divergence between reported net worth and true value.
The study also found that the average British person does not have a clue regarding the true value of their toiletry bag.
The priority moves away from conforming to the specification toward validating the true value of the features with a broad range of stakeholders and then implementing the key features early.
With the emergence of wireless, location-based technologies such as GPS, it is now possible to gauge the true costs of driving and the true value of the roads.
According to its data, the true value of the yuan in real purchasing-power terms is almost exactly double its official exchange rate.
He possesses the cognitive ability to recognize your importance and see your true value. He's smart enough to appreciate you, and intelligent enough to show it.
He possesses the cognitive ability to recognize your importance and see your true value. He's smart enough to appreciate you, and intelligent enough to show it.