A partially true statement intended to deceive or mislead.
ShareParadoxes are rather loosely defined, but can be said to be a true statement that defies intuition.
Which of the following is NOT a true statement about training in the implementation phase of systems development?
If 'is' means' is and never has been' that's one thing — if it means' there is none ', that was a completely true statement.
Q: It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is a true statement about the newly discovered Mayan calendar?
And mostly this oft-repeated phrase is a true statement: Surveys show that most Americans feel starved for time to do the things that matter to them.
Even more strangely, now that I knew he wasn't making a single true statement as I listened to him talk, I still found myself believing that he believed what he was saying.
Before we give up the American dream, I suggest all readers reconsider selling off their biggest possession! According to the passage, which of the following statement is true about Jane?
Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?
According to the passage, which statement is not true?
Which statement is not true according to the passage?
Which statement about the scientists is TRUE?
Which statement about Andersen's 200th birthday anniversary celebrations is TRUE?
This is true as the above derivation for a and b of opposite parity is an if and only if statement.
这是正确的,因为上面对a和b 的奇偶性的推导是一个当且仅当命题。
Here we have the infallible kind of Sign, the only kind that constitutes a complete proof, since it is the only kind that, if the particular statement is true, is irrefutable.
The db2_execute statement returns true or false when completed, and the result set of the query must be bound to a variable before the SQL statement is run.
The opposite is true: PreparedStatement is recommended when a simple statement is executed many times with different values because the statement has to be compiled only once.
This phenomenon, known as source amnesia, can also lead people to forget whether a statement is true.
Only if the WHEN clause evaluates to true will the action part of trigger statement be executed.
While this statement may be true, it is also quite misleading and has led many developers to avoid synchronizing even in cases where it is needed.
This is true even for Numbers on the cash flow statement like "cash increase from sales minus expenses", which may sound like they are indication of profit but are not.
That statement might be true in the long term, but in reality, most working professionals will eventually buy both a house and a car.
This argument also is refutable, even if the statement about the fast breathing be true, since a man may breathe hard without having a fever.
If the condition evaluates to TRUE, the statement list is executed, then control resumes at the top of the loop.
I'm sure that some will find this statement shocking or difficult to believe, but it is true.
A transition condition is a true or false statement that the processor may use to determine the current state of any particular activity.
If it is true, then the INFO document gets validated against the EMPLOYEE schema in the trigger statement.
If you always tell yourself "I'm a loser" then your subconscious will always guide you towards things that will make that statement true.
If you always tell yourself "I'm a loser" then your subconscious will always guide you towards things that will make that statement true.