The cold, hard cruelty of two young men is vividly brought to life in this true story.
It is, true, the period of his life that established his name and fortune, that swift rise from undergraduate cabaret turn to star host on both sides of the Atlantic.
In our pursuit of the good life, he says, it is important to seek out true pleasures—advice which was originally offered by Epicurus.
He worked till the end of his life to make them come true.
Nothing could be more practical or useful for a person’s life than the thinking processes that help them find out what is true and what is best to do.
You're saying that you've made a true decision to change your life and this is the way forward that you're going to take.
Thus each successive generation of readers comes to Lawrence with preconceptions about his life and character that are the opposite of true.
If you want to discover your true purpose in life, you must first empty your mind of all the false purposes you've been taught (including the idea that you may have no purpose at all).
But I wonder how many of the millions of people who went to see Avatar realised just how true to real life the story is.
And although the rise of the BlackBerry has prompted concern about work invading private life, the opposite actually seems to be true: private communications are invading the workplace.
But you might know the song for Lennon's famous line: "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." so true.
Sooner or later, we must realize there is no station, no one place to arrive at once and for all. The true joy of life is the trip.
The sense of awareness makes it different from a dream that is simply extremely vivid and true to life.
For all of them, church is the most important part of their life, and to the extent that's true, the more satisfaction they get.
The book encouraged you to think of what you'd like people to say about you after you die; that becomes your legacy and you should spend the rest of your life living so that becomes true.
Even death itself makes life more loving.Men come closest to their true selves in the sober moments of life, under the shadows of sorrow and loss.
It drove people around the world to pictures, videos, sound bites, and blogs in a true reality show of life, dreams, and death.
Right now, I have the courage to life a life true to myself and what I think is best for now, and I'm not entirely sure those people can say the same about their lives.
I think the mogul makes the medium, but it’s also true that once a firm has beenin existence long enough, it begins to have a life of its own.
But now researchers are beginning to ask whether the make-believe world projected in "rom-coms" might actually be preventing true love in real life.
There was only a true, unfiltered reality that I wanted to enjoy not only on the trail, but also in everyday life.
Sure, stuff has an impact on life in a way, but the mindset is the thing that needs to be clear to find the true desired self.
It is not true that my peculiarly isolated social condition was the bar to my plunging into the midst of the world-life.
True to its title, "Life and Fate" mixes gritty battlefield descriptions with acute psychological insights, wrenching dilemmas and deep philosophical reflections about the nature of good and evil.
Those of you who true love your spouse and children would unselfishly lay your life on the line to save them from death.
Those of you who true love your spouse and children would unselfishly lay your life on the line to save them from death.