Spurning his trust fund, he lived on what he earned.
II Areas of intervention to be covered by the FAO Trust fund.
The attendance of 24 countries was supported by the Codex trust fund.
Based in Geneva, its Trust Fund and lean Secretariat are hosted by WHO.
Based in Geneva, the UNITAID trust fund and secretariat are hosted by WHO.
Germain is the Founder of a world trust fund that was set up a long time ago.
I'm going to get this trust fund, so there's this loss of motivation that's very crucial.
"Someone left because she was going to live off her trust fund." Nice work if you can get it.
The FAO-China trust fund will have a strong focus on Africa, but will not exclude other regions.
Requests for assistance funded from the FAO Trust fund should contain the following basic information.
This was put into a trust fund for past expenses and any future medical costs involved in Julian's treatment.
I know I have a friend that has a trust fund, and he has probably a swanky apartment - I'll use his apartment.
Fuel taxes go into the highway Trust Fund (HTF), which was created in 1956 to finance highway construction nationally.
His son, James Willard Maxwell was also a banker and established a million-dollar trust fund for William Henry Gates III.
And you will only get the income from your grandmother's trust fund; the principal is held intrust for your children.
No one is better qualified, No one is smarter, more well-rounded. or wounded? I have a trust fund to fall back on, dad.
The building and repairing of roads in America is paid for by a federal petrol tax, which replenishes the highway trust fund.
Only congressional infusions of money from general revenues have prevented the trust fund from going into the red (see chart).
Project requests for financing by the FAO Trust Fund should be demand-driven and emanate specifically from beneficiary countries.
Oh, well if you're on the Universe's list, step right on in, there's loads of trust fund money and mimosas by the pool on your left.
The trust fund holds Treasury bonds; when these are redeemed, the needed cash can be raised only by borrowing, taxing, or cutting other programs.
The publisher whose trust fund underwrote our paper costs shuttered the company and informed the employees of this mass firing via her personal blog.
Limited partnership, company and trust fund, each having their own advantages and disadvantages, are the typical types of venture capital pools.
If you do not provide sufficient information, we may not be able to process your application for an award under the Sir Robert Black Trust Fund.
Steer says the Bank's experience in Aceh in managing a multi donor trust fund has also highlighted the need for co-ordination within the donor community.
For example, if a trust fund is to be given to a child once he or she finishes college, the funds are said to be in abeyance until the goal is reached.
For example, if a trust fund is to be given to a child once he or she finishes college, the funds are said to be in abeyance until the goal is reached.