Learning new things requires patience. Sometimes I have to try again and again before I get it right.
Successful people learn from defeats, revise their strategy as needed and try again and again until they succeed.
If you don't get the result that you want just try again and again and again till you found the right way to do it.
A person possessing detachment will not be affected or daunted by obstacles or failures and will try again and again.
There are not something you can find just around the corner , try again and again…Nothing just happens, it's all part of a plan .
Because the world is so full of death and horror, I try again and again to console my heart and pick the flowers that grow in the midst of hell.
Due to such boundaries, such forces try again and again to con ascending initiates into allowing them to piggyback and move off of earth through one's ascent.
Almost every major accomplishment in a person's life starts with the decision to try again and again - to get up after every failed attempt and give it another shot.
In Professor Duan's encouragement, I try again and again, trying to break through, beyond the self, constantly in doubt and no doubt, to discover new possibilities for painting.
You should learn from insects when they try to cross a wall, they fall down again and again until at some time they get success.
A moment later, again the fish was near, the cat had another try and again the fish swam away at once.
I did as the guide said, but all I got was a message on the screen saying "Please wait". Finally I rang reception again and was told that there were too many guests on line; try again later.
If you cook the dish again and your child rejects it, ask them to try it again.
Not knowing what is going on, the user would probably try to click the same button again and again, or reload the page, or close the application.
"Try it just once again," he'd say, and I would put my eye to the microscope and see nothing at all, except now and again a nebulous milky substance.----a phenomenon of maladjustment.
They maybe tried again until it worked but quite often it’s a technical problem (and) they can try again as many times as they like and it still wouldn’t work.
Even if you get rejected for something and try again, know that you may still get rejected once again.
Somehow I sensed he could teach me, or even lend me, the courage I needed in order to try again, to marry again and to love again.
The one thing Morello drove home again and again was that the best innovators don't try to do the best with what they've got.
Tony didn't decide to try this new idea after discussing it with his teacher again and again.
The signal quality is still low. Try refreshing your connection again by pressing the button on the bottom of the wireless mouse, and then click Test Again.
信号质量仍然较低。按下无线鼠标底部的按钮尝试再次刷新连接,然后单击“ 再次测试”。
"Let's try it again." Sullivan said over and over: "Let's try it again." Then, finally, "Good." and they began practicing outside loops.
And here is my simplified version of it: as an entrepreneur, I need to try out my ideas, fail fast at an affordable cost, reflect on the failure, make adjustments, try it again, fail again.
Again and try to forget the story about you and me, for your thoughts, inadvertently ruthless I pictured earlier again.
Home NEMESEA I would run a thousand miles Just to see you again I would cross the widest sea Just to touch your face once again Is there a chance for you and me would you try and let me see?
We, again, are really sorry for the downtime and we'll try our best to prevent this from happening again in the future.
Before leaving my hometown, they had told me again and again that I should try to manage everything by myself.
Before leaving my hometown, they had told me again and again that I should try to manage everything by myself.