If you want to try out new ideas, come to our club.
I love having the freedom to schedule my days how I see fit, to try out new ideas, and not have a boss to answer to.
Developers can try out new ideas, erase what doesn't work, add to what is already there and brainstorm together about directions or details.
Freedom in this sense also means creating and sustaining a culture where people want to try out new ideas and new methods of fulfilling the needs and wants for themselves but also for the larger good.
Using the tips and examples provided in this article, we urge all Domino application developers to try out the new features and develop ideas on how to develop new and exciting applications.
If you're looking for new challenges or ideas to try out, the book has something for you.
The bureau was also urged to use its monthly American Community Survey (ACS), which replaced the long form of the census, to try out some of these new ideas.
It gives you ideas for new moves that you can try when working out a problem on the wall.
Whether it's a first date or a date night with a long-time partner, it's always fun to try out some new date ideas.
Whether it's a first date or a date night with a long-time partner, it's always fun to try out some new date ideas.