The younger generation are raised in a more open environment, which has enabled them to develop in tune with their values in life.
Different cultural features of ethnic groups are in tune with one another and work out a melody.
They really in tune with the community and they do a lot of service in the community.
It came from quiet and cerebral people who knew how to tune in to their inner worlds and the treasures to be found there.
It's going to feel like a made-up conversation that people don't necessarily want to tune in to.
Millions of people tune in every Saturday night to watch the show which airs from September right up to Christmas.
We should adapt ourselves to being in tune with this ever-changing world.
In Britain listeners and viewers can tune in two BBC television channels.
Our society needs to be able to imagine the possibility of someone utterly in tune with modern technology but able to make sense of a dynamic, confusing world.
Both of these radio forms allow listeners to tune in stations that are more distant than the local stations they could receive in the past.
He uses cheap guitars that won't stay in shape or in tune.
I had known that tune in my infancy, but it had long since passed out of my mind.
Unfortunately, the devices are unable to tune in to specific sounds, so in noisy environments patients can struggle to hear speech and find music hard to enjoy.
We'll be rolling your way next Monday and Tuesday, so please be sure to tune in before the Thanksgiving holiday.
You can either watch these pearls play the music by themselves, or you have the option of controlling them and adding your own layers to the song (tune in around the 30 second mark to see this).
Tune in and listen to news being told by your soul- what do you hear?
These contests are often associated with profit because they entice people to tune in, get exposed to advertising, and, inevitably, buy.
Regardless where you are around the world, any user can tune in, watch, comment, respond, react, and learn.
Tune in next week and watch her get sassy with Pakistan!
Tune in then to learn how custom tags can facilitate the separation between presentation and business logic, while also letting you incorporate dynamic data into the presentation layer.
Tune in to your body more often and start to recognize the patterns an when it’s trying to tell you something.
One day, however, when he had been conning one of his music-scores, and by force of imagination was hearing the tune in his head, he lapsed into listlessness, and the music-sheet rolled to the hearth.
Suggest keeping TV sets in a family room where parents can "tune in" regularly.
In fact, when I do happen to occasionally tune in to these sources I find it reaffirms that I don't need to be paying attention to them.
There is nothing you can tune in the application infrastructure that will provide the dramatic performance improvements that you can get from fixing a poorly coded application!
Numerous notes are sent urging colleagues, friends and relatives to tune in to what is happening.
Podcasts: Tune in and catch up with IBM technical experts.
There's always the possibility that younger people tune in to see what the fuss is about, or even make Crystal a kind of mascot, Betty White-style, though that seems unlikely.
Sports fans who are turned off by the sometimes brutal intensity of ice hockey can tune in to the gentler figure skating competition.
Sold under the company's new name, Sony, the radio used five transistors to tune in to multiple am channels.