The estate is at the centre of a bitter turf war between rival drug gangs.
Both sides say this is more than just a turf war between big and small banks.
There is no great difference, in this sense, between a crocodile defending its spot along the river and a turf war between two urban gangs.
When a gang turf war leads to the death of one of the unit members, the team has 48 hours to solve the case or be suspended.
"No one has accumulated this much data," says Cook, 46, who first tilled this turf in her 1994 An Uncommon soldier (Oxford University Press), a compilation of letters from a female Civil War soldier.
"No one has accumulated this much data," says Cook, 46, who first tilled this turf in her 1994 An Uncommon soldier (Oxford University Press), a compilation of letters from a female Civil War soldier.