He wanted AI to pass the Turing test.
It occurs to me that we are carrying out a Turing Test every time we do this.
Various ploys are used to try to trip up the machines competing in the Turing test.
The Turing Test: Build a computer system that wins the imitation game at least 30% of the time.
The Turing Test : Build a computer system that wins the imitation game at least 30% of the time.
The Turing Test was conceived as a way to judge whether true artificial intelligence has been achieved.
Alan Turing created what is now known as the Turing Test in response to the question of "Can computers think?"
An unscheduled call that rings on my phone fails the conversational Turing test: it's almost certainly junk, so I ignore it.
来安排。一个未经预约就打到我手机上的电话通过不了对话图灵测试(conversational Turing test):这个电话几乎肯定是垃圾电话,因此我忽略它。
It stands for "completely automated public Turing test to tell computers and humans apart"; no, the acronym doesn't really fit.
它是“completelyautomatedpublicTuring testtotellcomputers andhumansapart”的首字母,意为“区分人与计算机的全自动公众图灵测试”;当然,首字母缩写并不是完全对应的。
If the human judge fails to identify the participant as human or computer, the computer is said to have passed the Turing Test.
Jeopardy-playing computer seems like a remarkable accomplishment, not too short of having a machine pass the famous Turing Test.
As far back as 1950, Alan Turing proposed the Turing Test as a method of determining whether an entity should be treated as intelligent.
To pass the Turing test, and thus be considered intelligent, a program must fool a human being into believing that it is another human being.
We would have been pleased if we achieved nothing more than a system that passed a Turing test - i.e. that wrote a symphony but didn't necessarily know it had done so.
What's more, the company isn't making any claims that it has found the answer to the big Turing Test-style questions that have eluded researchers since the transistor was invented.
To test his prediction, Turing devised an exercise called "The Turing test," a conversational exercise between a human judge and two participants: a person and a computer pretending to be a person.
The most famous test for artificial intelligence is that devised by Alan Turing, a British computing pioneer.
最著名的人工智力测试是由英国计算科学先驱阿兰·图灵(Alan Turing)设计的。
That, at least, was the test proposed in 1950 by Alan Turing, a British mathematician.
In the middle of the last century, British mathematician Alan Turing proposed the following test for etermining whether a computer could think.
In the middle of the last century, British mathematician Alan Turing proposed the following test for etermining whether a computer could think.